Fourth Bangalore Microscopy Course Sep: 23-30 2012 (Application Deadline 30-May-2012)

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manoj mathew manoj mathew
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Fourth Bangalore Microscopy Course Sep: 23-30 2012 (Application Deadline 30-May-2012)

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Dear Colleagues

I would like to inform you about the fourth Bangalore Microscopy Course in
Sep. 23-30, 2012 (organized by the National Center for Biological Sciences
(NCBS) in Bangalore, India).

Ron Vale, Nico Stuurman and Kurt Thorn  (UCSF) as well as Jitu Mayor, H.
Krishnamurthy, and I (NCBS) are involved in organizing it. This is an
annual course, similar to the Advanced Quantitative Light Microscopy course at
the MBL, Woods Hole and the EMBO microscopy workshops.

This course  provides didactic and hands-on training in a variety of light
microscopy techniques and is taught by international leaders in microscopy.


 Steve Ross, Nikon Inc., USA **

Jason Swedlow, University of Dundee, UK

Mike Davidson, University of Florida, USA

Kurt Thorn, University of California San Francisco, USA

Roop Malik, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India

Nico Stuurman, University of California San Francisco, USA

Satyajit Mayor, National Centre for Biological Sciences, India

Sudipta Maiti, Tata Institute of Fundament Research, India

Jan Ellenberg , European Molecular Biological Laboratory, Germany

The course is supported by the major microscopy and camera vendors and will
be held in the first-rate teaching labs and microscopy facilities at the
NCBS.  This follows the previous three Bangalore Microscopy Courses, in
2009, 2010 and 2011 respectively, which were fabulous successes and made a
big impact on most of the students who attended.

The course is designed for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows
(although an advanced undergraduate, faculty member, or industry scientist
also would be welcome).  The course is  truly international with students
attending from Asia, Europe, and the US.

*We would appreciate if you could encourage potentially interested and
outstanding individuals to apply to the course.*

We also would appreciate if you could disseminate information about this
course by word-of-mouth or through email to graduate students/postdocs at
your institution.

Additional information and applications can be found on the course www
*Application Deadline: 30-May-2012
Kind Regards,
Manoj Mathew

Manoj Mathew, PhD

Technical Manager

National Centre for Biological Sciences

GKVK Post, Bellary Road

Bangalore-560065, India

Ph. +91 8067176277

Mob. 09886789049


Manoj Mathew, PhD

Technical Manager

National Centre for Biological Sciences

GKVK Post, Bellary Road

Bangalore-560065, India

Ph. +91 8067176277

Mob. 09886789049
Straatman, Kees (Dr.) Straatman, Kees (Dr.)
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First announcement Leicester fluorescence microscopy workshops 20-24 August 2012

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:

Dear Colleagues

Since 2008 I organize a fluorescence microscopy workshop at the university of Leicester (UK). This year, I will organize in collaboration with commercial partners two fluorescence microscopy workshops from 20-24 August. The first workshop is a one day immunolabelling workshop followed by a 4 day fluorescence microscopy and quantitative imaging workshop.

The workshops will cover basic microscopy and fluorescence microscopy before introducing more advanced techniques (including FRAP, FLIM and FRET). The participants will be introduced to different types of fluorescence microscopes, like confocal laser scanning microscopy and multi photon scanning microscope as well as image analysis software in lectures and hands-on sessions and demonstrations. The lectures will also include recent developments in fluorescence microscopy like super resolution microscopy.

For further information, programme and application form please visit:

Best wishes


Dr Ir K.R. Straatman
Senior Experimental Officer
Centre for Core Biotechnology Services
College of Medicine, Biological Sciences and Psychology

Postal address:
Department of Biochemistry
Henry Wellcome Building
University of Leicester
Lancaster Rd.
Leicester LE1 9HN
tel.: + 44 (0)116 229 7085/252 2263
fax: + 44 (0)116 229 7031