Free Webinar: Image Stitching of Large Specimans

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Elaine Rasmussen Elaine Rasmussen
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Free Webinar: Image Stitching of Large Specimans

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You are invited to attend a live, interactive, web-based instructional seminar:
Image Stitching of Large Specimens Using Automated Stages
Presented By: Nicholas Beavers, Media Cybernetics

Details are below. Connection lines are limited, so reserve yours now. There is
no charge to participate in this on-line seminar.

September 12, 2008
Friday at  10:30 AM  (Pacific Time)

Duration: About 45 minutes, plus questions and answers

Pre-register (required) at:


Because the size of histology and pathology specimens generally exceed the
field of view of the microscope, clinicians and researchers are often
confronted with making a tradeoff between field-of-view (low magnification)
and ability to resolve small image details (high magnification). In either case,
the relationship between microscopic features and overall structure is lost. A
powerful new method, however, allows rapid and easy scanning of entire
specimens under high magnification. Automatic assembly ('stitching') of the
scanned images into an individual continuous image provides the ability to
survey the overall structure, while preserving the very high-resolution
information. At this interactive webinar, attendees will see how such a system
operates and will be shown some of the many ways images can be explored,
measured, presented, and archived.
Subjects include:
• Configuring a microscope to perform rapid scanning and tiling
• User options and their implications on acquired image data
• Image processing for enhancing image quality
• Exploration, analysis, and annotation of images
• Archival and databasing of images

Bring your questions to this live, interactive web-based seminar.

Provided free of charge, this webinar is sponsored by MAG, the Microimaging
Applications Group. MAG is a group of imaging companies who work together
to provide an unparalleled range of microimaging solutions to science and

About the Presenter:

Nicholas Beavers is an Applications Specialist with Media Cybernetics,
providers of the InVivo, Image Pro and AutoQuant families of image
acquisition, processing, and analysis software. Nick has extensive hands-on
experience in the configuration and programming of complex image acquisition
systems for performing quantitative live-cell studies.