Free online booking system for microscopy?

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Richard Cole Richard Cole
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Free online booking system for microscopy?

CONFOCALMICROSCOPY Digest - 9 Mar 2010 to 10 Mar 2010 (#2010-15)

We use and really like PhPScheduleit, it is easy to setup and administer.  A couple nice features is the ability to select what instrumentation is available for each user, additionally you can use its logon feature to track actual usage.   It is completely free.


Hope that this is helpful




Richard Cole
Research Scientist IV
Advanced Light Microscopy Core Unit
Wadsworth Center


Research Assistant Professor
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences
School of Public Health State University of New York

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Maximiliano Neme Maximiliano Neme
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Re: Free online booking system for microscopy?

Hi Endy,

We adopted a nice online system:
It's not free but has a very affordable price and can be paid by year.
It has many customizable features that can result of interest in a facility management.
For instance we created our own forms in order to collect information regarding the lasers that each user will use. This information is available to the previous user who can know whether to turn off a laser or not after his turn.
You can also take a look at our implementation for one of our confocal microscopes .( )
Good luck

Ing. Maximiliano Neme
Fundación Instituto Leloir  (
Teléfono: +54 11  52387500 - int 5101
Móvil: +54 911 54167332

-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Endy Spriet
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 7:36 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Free online booking system for microscopy?


I'm currently looking around for a free online booking system for our microscopes in our facility.

Are there any of you that are currently using such a freeware which is easy to use and administrate?

Thanks, Endy

Endy Spriet
Molecular Imaging Center
Department of Biomedicine
University of Bergen
Jonas Lies vei 91
N-5009 Bergen, Norway
Tel: +47 55586007
Fax: +47 55586360