Frontiers in BioImaging 2020

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Alex Sossick Alex Sossick
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Frontiers in BioImaging 2020

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*Registration and abstract submission is now open for Frontiers in
BioImaging 2020!*

Frontiers in BioImaging will take place at 15 Hatfields, London SE1 8DJ
on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 June.  We are inviting abstracts for
both oral and poster presentation until Wednesday 8 April. <>

Abstracts should be emailed as an attachment to myself, [hidden email]
<mailto:[hidden email]>. Please include in your email whether you would
prefer to be considered for an Oral or Poster presentation.

  * Please ensure you submit it as a Microsoft Word document and not a PDF.
  * Please ensure that you indicate your preference for a submitted talk
    or poster presentation.
  * Abstracts should be approximately 300-500 words in length, no longer
    than one page of A4
  * Please include the title, all authors and their affiliations and
    indicate the presenting author.
  * You may include images or diagrams where appropriate.
  * You may also include references or keywords.

_Please make a note of the Abstract Submission Deadline: Wednesday 8 April_

*The provisional program is available

Registration Fees: RMS Member £270; Non-member £320; Student £170.
Registration does not include accommodation and we would recommend you
book your accommodation as early as possible.

_Early Bird Registration Rate ends on Wednesday 27 May and _

_Registration Closes on Wednesday 10 June___

For further details on invited speakers, buffet dinner please visit <>

I look forward to seeing you at Frontiers in BioImaging 2020.

Best regards
