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Frontiers in BioImaging 2011
20-21 September, Manchester Conference Centre
The first of what will become a biennial event, this exciting two day
meeting held in Manchester, the UK’s third city, aims to encompass a
broad variety of frontiers in Bio-imaging.
Four scientific sessions will run during the meeting, covering:
Super Resolution; Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging; 3D Imaging;
Applications in Integrative Biology.
The meeting also has workshops, an exhibition and poster session.
Invited Speakers:
Professor Viki Allan, University of Manchester
Professor Paul French, Imperial College London
Professor Frederic Geissmann, King's College London
Dr Achillefs Kapanidis, University of Oxford
Professor Karsten Koenig, JenLab GmbH
Dr Dietrich Schweitzer, Friedrich Schiller University
Professor Paul Selvin, University of Illinois, USA
Professor Huw Summers, University of Swansea
Dr Paul Verkade, University of Bristol
Registration fees:
Student £130, RMS Member £260, Non RMS Member £310, Accommodation £65
per night
Visit www.rms.org.uk/frontiers for further information and to register