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Wednesday 3 - Thursday 4 July 2013
Charles Darwin House, 12 Roger Street, London WC1N 2JU
Organisers: Dr Peter O'Toole (University of York), Prof Michelle Peckham
(University of Leeds), Dr Simon Ameer-Beg (Kings College London), Dr Steve
Briddon (University of Nottingham) and Prof Stephen Hill (University of
This meeting will be the 3rd in the successful Frontiers in BioImaging series. The
meeting is supported by the MRC and will build on the recent Next Generation
Optical Microscopy (NGOM) initiative. Focusing on the latest optical imaging
developments highlighted within this call, it will enable successful grant holders,
technology developers and application specialists to share their work and
programme vision. The aim of the meeting is to create a network of
multidisciplinary scientists focused on aspects of advanced imaging.
Invited Speakers include:
Dr Simon Ameer-Beg (London)
Professor Ilan Davies (Oxford)
Professor Paul French (London)
Professor Gail McConnell (Glasgow)
Dr Peter O Toole (York)
Professor Michelle Peckham (Leeds)
Professor Jason Swedlow (Dundee)
Professor Mike White (Manchester)
Professor Tony Wilson (Oxford)
The registration fee will include attendance, lunches and refreshments for 2 full
days, and a buffet dinner on the Wednesday evening. The dinner will provide
the perfect opportunity for networking, discussing posters and talking to optical
imaging companies about the latest developments.
For further information on submitting an abstract, possible bursaries and to be
added to the mailing list, please contact Allison Winton (
[hidden email]) or