Alex Sossick |
To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to: Post images on and include the link in your posting. ***** *Frontiers in BioImaging 2018!* *DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION – Friday 27 April * Frontiers in BioImaging 2018 will take place on Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 June at the Technology & Innovation Centre, Glasgow. It will focus on the latest developments in applications of optical microscopy, mesoscopy and image analysis across a range of biological fields. Sessions will cover technical developments and applications of these microscopy-based approaches to key cell and molecular biology questions. The meeting will cover the key challenges in microscopy today: super-resolution imaging, phototoxicity and light sheet based methods, detection of /in situ/ protein interactions and new tools for fluorescence visualisation and analysis. We are inviting abstracts for both oral and poster presentation until Friday 27 April<>__ Abstracts should be emailed as an attachment to me, [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>. Please include in your email whether you would prefer to be considered for an Oral or Poster presentation. * Please ensure you submit it as a Microsoft Word document and not a PDF. * Please ensure that you indicate your preference for a submitted talk or poster presentation. * Abstracts should be approximately 300-500 words in length. * Please include the title, all authors and their affiliations and indicate the presenting author. * You may include images or diagrams where appropriate. * You may also include references or keywords. _Please make a note of the Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday 27 April 2018_ __We already have a brilliant line up of invited speakers for this meeting: * *Keynote Speaker: Spencer Smith - */Multiphoton imaging across millimeter length scales with subcellular and subsecond resolution/** * *Ricardo Henriques - */Democratising live-cell high-speed super-resolution microscopy/ * *Mark Fricker - */Quantitative imaging of structure and dynamics in biological transport networks/ * *Banafshe Larijani*- /Oncoprotein Activation and Dynamics in Cancer: A new Vision of Cancer Diagnostics/ * *Sebastian Munck - */Strategies for mesoscale imaging of non-transparent samples/** * *Francesca Palombo - */Elastic properties of fibrous proteins and tissues probed Brillouin microspectroscopy/** * *Lothar Schermelleh - */How chromatin organises in mammalian cells - lessons from 3D super-resolution microscopy/** * *Katrin Willig - */In vivo/**/STED microscopy/** _The Early Bird Registration Rate ends on Friday 18 May and Registration Closes on Friday 8 June_ Registration fees are £170 for students; £320 for non RMS members and £270 if you are an RMS member. For further details including accommodation, conference dinner, and travel information please visit<> Kind regards Kate *Kate Wooding** Events and Outreach Manager* Please note my working days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday* **Royal Microscopical Society* 37/38 St Clements, Oxford, OX4 1AJ, UK* *Direct tel: +44 (0) 1865 254761, RMS office: +44 (0) 1865 254760, Fax: +44 (0)1865 791237<UrlBlockedError.aspx>, find us on facebook:<redir.aspx?REF=ID9z2qQegJZD0BUb54eWH8iETz5wCb9NdHPfOgWWbF5dUokPwojUCAFodHRwOi8vd3d3LmZhY2Vib29rLmNvbS9Sb3lhbE1pY3Jvc2NvcGljYWxTb2NpZXR5>, follow us on twitter @RoyalMicroSoc<redir.aspx?REF=7MPMymqR2Vn9nCh30DsKuZi_oV6EWlJIoaf7PRHOlK6DeIkPwojUCAFodHRwOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vUm95YWxNaWNyb1NvYw..> |
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