Frontiers in Imaging Science Conference - a few pointers

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Chew, Teng-Leong Chew, Teng-Leong
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Frontiers in Imaging Science Conference - a few pointers

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Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for the overwhelming interest to the announcement of the AIC conference at Janelia. We really look forward to meeting you (and seeing old friends)!

There have been some recurring inquiries, so I will try to address them here.

1. Can vendors attend the conference and perhaps sponsor the event?
Unfortunately, Janelia conferences are not open to vendors and we are not allowed to accept sponsorship from commercial sources.

2.  Can core facility personnel attend the conference?
Yes. In fact, it is encouraged. In a nutshell, this is a scientific conference in which every attendee has to present, so an abstract is required to complete the application. However, applications will be reviewed and selected. We believe it is important to hear the voices of leading core directors, especially in our break-out sessions where technology developers and end-users brainstorm what should be on the next horizon. So slots will be reserved for core facility personnel. You can certainly present a poster or a talk, whichever is appropriate. Depending on the quantity and quality of ideas, we may create a special session geared toward core personnel.

The only way to differentiate yourself from your peers in this case is through your abstract. So, highlight the unique aspects of your imaging centers, how you do thing differently, what identifies you as one of the leading core directors who are at the frontline of unmet imaging needs, and who can effectively dissemination the latest technologies to your users. Or, devise any unique angle you can think of. Abstracts that generically state “I have X number of instruments, Y number of users” will likely not be what we are looking for.

Hope this helps. I am happy to answer questions. Just ask!
