Fully funded PhD position available in the Bottanelli lab in Berlin

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Francesca Bottanelli Francesca Bottanelli
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Fully funded PhD position available in the Bottanelli lab in Berlin

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Dear all,

We have a fully funded PhD position available in Berlin. Interested in membrane trafficking and STED super-resolution??? Read official post below and spread the word...
As a plus we are purchasing our own STED microscope so you’ll get to play with that all the time :)

Best wishes,

Francesca Bottanelli
Assistant professor
Membrane trafficking Lab
Freie Universität Berlin
Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry
Thielallee 63
14195 Berlin

Email: [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>
Tel: +49 30 838 65860
https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/en/chemie/biochemie/research-groups/bottanellli/Research/index.html <https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/en/chemie/biochemie/research-groups/bottanellli/Research/index.html>

A PhD position is available in the group of Prof. Francesca Bottanelli at Freie Universität Berlin (Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry). It is a fully funded position and you will be part of the recently renewed Collaborative Research Centre 958 "Scaffolding of Membranes - Molecular Mechanisms and Cellular Functions”. http://www.sfb958.de/ <http://www.sfb958.de/>

In the project “Nanoscale organization of adaptor scaffolds involved in polarized cargo sorting at the trans-Golgi network (TGN)” we will study the mechanisms of sorting at the TGN in epithelial cells by combining super-resolution stimulated emission depletion (STED) imaging, acute inactivation strategies and proximity-labelling based proteomics approaches. Specifically, we will investigate the contribution of membrane scaffolds in post-Golgi sorting and trafficking.

Candidates are expected to hold a Masters (or equivalent) degree in Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics or related disciplines and have a strong interest in the investigation of intracellular trafficking and imaging. Motivation, ability to work in a collaborative environment and communication skills (in English) are essential. Prior experience in mammalian cell culture, molecular biology and imaging is desirable.

Please apply by sending your CV, a short motivation letter with a brief description of your Masters project/research experience and the contact information of two referees to [hidden email] <mailto:[hidden email]>.


A completed Masters (or equivalent) degree in Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics or related fields.


Strong interest in cell biology and imaging

Strong motivation

Good communication skills (English)

Ability to work in a collaborative team environment