Fungal Bioimaging Experimental Officer Job Opportunity in Manchester, UK

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Fungal Bioimaging Experimental Officer Job Opportunity in Manchester, UK

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University of Manchester

Manager of the Biomaging and Biocomputing Facility in the Manchester Fungal
Infection Group

An enthusiastic and committed Experimental Officer is required to join the
Manchester Fungal Infection group (MFIG), based at the Core technology Facility,
Grafton Street. You will work closely with a large and interdisciplinary, research
team working on fungal diseases of humans. You will be the Manager of the
Bioimaging and Biocomputing facilities in the (MFIG), and to train, supervise and
collaborate with MFIG personnel using these facilities on projects focused on fungal
cell biology, fungus-mammalian host interactions and antifungal drug studies.
MFIG is a multi-million pound investment by the University of Manchester (UoM)
initiative to establish a new UK centre of excellence for fungal infection biology. Led
by Professor Nick Read, MFIG is a ground-breaking new initiative for understanding
human fungal infections and performing translational antifungal research. It will
integrate the work of clinicians, scientists and industry, pursuing the specific goal
of creating new antifungal therapies. The combination of MFIG with the existing
National Aspergillosis Centre and Mycology Reference Centre (both at the
University Hospital of South Manchester [UHSM]) will establish at the UoM the UK’s
first, fully integrated programme of bench to bedside translational research on life-
threatening fungal diseases. The founding Principal Investigators conduct world
class research into the molecular and cellular basis of fungal disease addressing
four cross-cutting research themes: Fungal Cell Biology (Prof Nick Read),
Antifungal Drug Discovery (Dr Mike Bromley), Host-Pathogen Interactions (Dr
Elaine Bignell), Genetics and Genomics (Dr Paul Bowyer).

Closing date: 22/07/2015
Reference: M&HS-06654
Employment type: Fixed Term
Duration: 5 years (full time)
Salary: £30,434-£37,394 per annum

Enquiries about the vacancy should be addressed to:
Professor Nick Read
Email: [hidden email]
Tel: 00 44 161 275 1415