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Future discontinuation of mercury lamps?

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Richard Cole Richard Cole
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Future discontinuation of mercury lamps?

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Osram, the company that we purchase our Hg bulbs from has no plans to stop
production.  Hg bulbs are still used, and will continue to be for many years
to come, in a large variety of application outside of imaging.



Richard Cole
Research Scientist V
Director: Advanced Light Microscopy Core Unit
Wadsworth Center


Research Assistant Professor
Dept. of Biomedical Sciences
School of Public Health State University of New York

P.O. Box 509 Albany N.Y. 12201-0509
518-474-7048 Phone
518-474-4430 Fax


Email  <mailto:[hidden email]> [hidden email]

Website  <http://www.wadsworth.org/cores/alm/index.htm>



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