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I am forwarding this for a colleague. Please contact Mary Tecklenburg
[hidden email] with any questions or if you are interested in
these lasers.
(Please don't just use the "reply" function - I don't have any
information on the lasers.)
Central Michigan University will be selling my krypton ion laser, a
water heat exchanger, and a water chiller. I also have a HeCd laser
with power supply that is not working but might be purchased by a
parts supplier.
The specs:
1. Coherent Innova 301 Kr ion laser in good operational
condition, primary line 647 nm, output power at 647 nm is 500 mW,
tube discharge current, 20 - 40 A, 7500 hours of use. Includes
power supply, multiline optics as well as five sets of optics for
single line wavelengths from 406 to 799 nm, hi and low magnetic field
option, operator's manual.
2. LiConix 4270N HeCd laser, power supply, operator's manual, -
not working
3. OptiTemp OTI-10WNF water heat exchanger
4. Neslab HX-150 Recirculating Chiller, hoses and 240V plug,
operators manual.
Philip Oshel
Microscopy Facility Supervisor
Biology Department
024C Brooks Hall
Central Michigan University
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859
(989) 774-3576