Fwd: NESM 50th Anniversary special meeting at UMass, Amherst; 11/8-9

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Wendy Salmon Wendy Salmon
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Fwd: NESM 50th Anniversary special meeting at UMass, Amherst; 11/8-9

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Dear Fellow Microscopists,

New England Society of Microscopy is excited to announce our Special
of NESM Fall Symposium and Workshops/Business Meeting, which will be held
at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst on November 8th and 9th, 2017.
Please find the linked flyer.

The symposium will be a two day program including workshops by Nikon on
November 8th and technical talks by New England researchers on the 9th.

Information about meetings details and registration can be found at:

This year we have a great selection of technical talks and poster session.

If you have any questions regarding the poster session, please contact
[hidden email].

We hope to see you in November at UMass, Amherst!


NESM Board

NESM fall symposium.pdf