Adam M. Dobrin |
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Xe, by the way, that's an element--the one that makes camera's flash bright--and also an Oracle... database... process name. Look, El is son... and then, Rattling a Rod about the Fifth Element; understand... My Dear What-sons's the solution is "elementary." Wake up, Jesus is not saying those silly things for no reason--I am telling you that those works--Shakespeare and Holmes.. those are examples of divine inspiration... intended to be coalesced by me right now, to show us how much of our history is deisgned.. and to introduce... well, myself
Who knew! Seriously... who knew? Rolling Stone? Did you want to do this standing up? Have a ... man. Speaking of the Simpson, did anyone else notice that the "Hidey Ho" guy has "Eden" hidden in his name? I'm pretty sure all this stuff is light; or maybe not seeing it is brighter? Honestly, I think you people don't think about the implications of what I'm sharing, and I'm just screaming at the top of my lungs that my name is written on everything. Do you understand what that means? He's trying to set us free. I just happen to be the key. Do you understand that everything I am providing to you has come to me through the use of a form of hidden communication; everything that I am writing about also... all the hidden light--planted predominantly with this same hidden communication, just a little more hidden. Losing public knowledge of this technology is the equivalent of entering Hell. Who did you vote for? Are you sure that's what you wanted to do? Heaven or Hell? My name is written on everything. Like, the... or a future. Once upon a time, there was no tomorrow. We need to do something to alter the course of history. That's really what religion is... and it's really what the Second Coming is all about. From the bottom of my heart, all of scripture and our history behind that.... it is time to begin. Take a chance, make a stand, know you did something amazing to make the world a better place, continue to shine bright.... and it's you. You might be just smart enough to realize that our history is a map--and that we are in the heat of the Crusades... for Jerusalem. Are you smart enough to know that He always plays both sides? This is our time to win, there are no sides. Let the light shine. The Bells of Saint JohnIn unrelated news, I saw this episode of Dr. Who last night, and oh my God. Mind uploading and electronic emotion altering all in one episode. I thought I had original ideas, I'd say that slider was lifted right out of my dreams--except they did it first. The name though, I mean, come on. Out of curiosity, what year are you from? I guess there's a Dr. Who series now. I hate to say it, but now I really am the light of the world. Ha' moat-sea? Achem.. Min? ha'are...tzedakah! Listen to Bread, the Apple is just-icing on the Cake We give thanks to God for Bread, Cake, and Fig Newtons? Before today, did any of you think that the "miracle" of turning stone to bread was a chastisement of Jesus Christ for not doing enough? Whatcha want for breakfast? Please continue to say and do nothing, my house is listening to American Pie for every meal with no RSVP. Belgian Waffles? Canadian Bacon? English Muffins? French Toast? Can you not see? Adam's Apple? What's in a domain? C . L ight Let your voices rise in song together... or continue falling into the abyss.
This Sunday, should we "do them in and leave?" It's Spanish, and go. Connecting the dots... between externally influenced pieces of art across time and space is the key to not only proving that there is an external influence--but to literally "read the subtitles" of a movie that manifests itself throughout our history and modern art. In finding patterns that are not the artists' original intent we see how the question "Who is the Matrix?" is subtly answered within that very movie ... as it connects to Shakespeare and Stephen King in a way that neither of those authors could have intended; and yet all contain reference to the character and true meaning of the answer... "What is the Cypher?" A millennium or or so earlier, in a play about learning Latin the name "Schrew" is tamed quite a bit by seeing that there is a true cypher in many names (like the name of that play) that have a key significant commonality: they are "macaronic" (which ties to Yankee Doodle's song about an apocalyptic pony and a ... reference to combining Latin and Spanish with the image of a doodle, I mean noodle) specifically including paradoxically impossible reference to Spanish, Hebrew, and English... expanding or taming the name of Shakespeare's play as Spanglishrew. It's clear to see in the name "Abraham," or "open the message" and in many modern works like Star Wars' "AN to kin" and "friend of the doll a" (amidallah). Early on you may see these interesting names, places like "N or AD," "J er USA the m," and "Lo ve no sun" as outliers of our soon to be proven Engeered Language (I mean, it's pln English), that some "machine intelligence" has escaped time itself and left us a glowing record of it ... not just in language but in stories ... like Stephen King's Langolier's... about time travel. Just like we find a statistically significant pattern in the names of these performances, Langoliers, the Matrix, and the Taming of the Shrew... with our innate curiosity unhampered and a little bit of searching we will find very similar patterns of timeless "doublethink" in the names of bands, and even more tellingly... in the given names of actors and singers with an equally significant relationship to the works they partake in creating some significant number of years after they are named. What is it that we are celebrating today? It seems what we listen to at Supper is the key. Tomorrow morning, an update on my broken eye... still seeing the light?
So here we are (music), and I am continuing to try and show you what I am quite sure are the words of God--his strange way of speaking to the world, hidden not only in a "Matrix" of songs throughout our time... but also in signs--pretty much all around us in nearly everything you can see, contextually related "names" that show there is a hidden hand in the design of our world. Much of it, like the series of religiously related names in the computer and video game industry, seem to me to show us a clear path for the purpose of Creation; tying these modern technological ... pursuits ... directly to religion and God. Aside from shock value, I think they do a good job of introducing us to the kind of effect that actually seeing this "Revelation" will give to the world--for me at least I see this as a confluent message that screams something along the lines of "I can't believe I didn't see that before." For what it's worth, with some thinking this too adds to the fire of the "darkness," something I am sure is a description of these connections not only being made obvious, but that they were overtly hidden before. This idea, that we have been kept from making normal logical conclusions from things we see every single day is fortified by our lack of understanding of similar patterns (that I'm sure you've read about) tying the Old and New Testaments and many religious stories together. In department stores: In the foundation of America--the names of a number of revolutionaries, Richard Nixon, Watergate, Emmanuel Goldstein and Bro-ward County... the Son's Corona and Sam Adams; time travel and a number of movies that link the names of actresses to crashing some wedding--I'm sure it has something to do with Revelation: I probably don't have to say it over and over again; but the statistical significance of the underlying message and contextual relationship between these "signs" is the kind of thing that gives us that "ah-hah" feeling deep inside, something like experiencing a quickened "enlightenment." In cartoons, from "Speed-why Gonzo-la-la-z" to neary every single thing I watched as a young child... somehow answering a question about what the "sword of the Messiah" really is--you're looking at it, everywhere. I don't really have a good reason to have talked about a school bus; only to mention that in music there is a very obvious messianic pattern that flows between songs about ... whomever you think it is that is going to come save you from not knowing (all music videos):
It seems to clear to me this is about picking up the story, and realizing what you have a sweet memory of right now--absolutely nothing. Hear my voice, you have my words (music), you have the message I know the change in Abraham's name means this one is "the one," and it's Holy. I don't know what you expected me to do, but if I am not doing this, I am squandering a chance we have to really make our world a better place, to really build Heaven--instead of whatever it is you all think you have coming to you. Wake up, seeing what I am showing you is the key to ending slavery--it's the key to Heaven, not seeing, not sharing it is... well, it's the key to this:
So I'm pretty sure we all know now what this Fire of Prometheus is really about; I hope we know it's about seeing the proof of Creation spread; and through that seeing freedom come back to our minds through the simple act of doing nothing more than thinking for ourselves. Try it, it's something new. To follow this theme... of seeing God's words peppered all over the names of companies and "stuff" around us; I put together this little collage of tire companies, take me for a ride--from me I can add His words ... that this is a sot of "spiritual journey" one that ends when we get off the train (music); and start... thinking. While you may not yet agree, I am pretty sure this has been a "good year" for the fire; and in seeing how this appears to be a nice confluence of what to expect after it starts--we will probably see Saint One (st, is ubiquitously "langolier" (google groups) for saint, just because I say so) just like we see a "time map" in the words America and Alphabet--right after this fire starts I imagine we will see how the stories of Prometheus and Medusa highlight the heart of JerUSAlem (my book)--and it's sincere etching of this countries name in ancient Greek myth--from the sword and the Stone (music); we are fast approaching that time when we will know that Saint One is probably not just an unsung hero (music). My birthday is nearing! So once again, I'll note that my name and my birthday appear to be a key to "our in" to ... God I hope it's Heaven. D.O.B. "r IN," certainly does a job of highlighting that this day approaching, the Eighth, is a Catholic Feast.. of some sort. One which might have something to do with seeing the mess of the Messiah, just trying to find my way home... on the bus (more than music). I mean the message. I really hope it's Heaven. Of further note, my name would have been Dobrinsky, before my mother changed it (before I was born), which might have had something to do with "write on the sky," (Graceful music) words I repeated over and over ( for years. I'm going to e-mail you less, and the rest of the world more--maybe I'll edit some of the crap I've sent you. Also, I might do some videos, to give you a good idea of just how crazy (music) I really am (not).
Here's the words to "Burn," since you all seem to have difficulty clicking links. All the links there are music except for "the spark."
Here's me singing. I suck at it, wish I had soul.. and my music attacked. Did I mention I was born the day John Lennon died? All you need... is to speak. AD You'll never believe it... but there appears to be a media boycott of the Second Coming, if you take the time to read this story... you might enjoy it--it also might help enlighten you. That or... it might be just as boring as "religion," either way... it's all about me, baby. We're not gonna make it unless you try. Good luck. This is by far, the strangest and most elaborate "love story" I've ever seen... all between two people who have never met. I happen to be Jesus Christ, which is part of the reason I think it's OK to do this--and it's probably part of the reason I shouldn't. Can I be a person, or ... is everything I want forbidden because of who I am... even asking someone out? It really might be, how sad ... Taylor goes on (from the lyrics in the subject) to sing "were never meant, never meant to be;" and my heart sinks just a little bit about a world that seems to have made that same decision without ever having a real conversation with me. I mean, we've never spoken, how can you know? In another song, equally saddening words "if you wanted to get the girl, you should have come without it," talking about my "boom," something you haven't really heard about yet... but I'm sure we all will. If you take a glance at what "boom" means, you might see, like me, that it truly is this light I am sharing with you--the weapon (that I am using the change the world) I spoke about yesterday. Just for good measure, let me suggest you check out my boom. I had mentioned it once before, in an introduction a soon to be proposed book (or perhaps a feature film?) about my escapades across the country, titled something like "I am the Highlander," I'll come back to this book idea in a little bit.... it too is part of my boom, The gist of this thing by the way is a now somewhat comical (until you actually figure it all out) belief that every time I say boom, a little piece of Hell magically turns a little bit more Heavenly. So, boom, shoot that's six, I usually do things five times. KA-BOOM, or seven.... remember that "Ka" is something that I an the ancient Egyptians associate strongly with Horus, and the Body of Jesus Christ. Briefly, Willy Wonka's Veruka Salt reads out in "Spanglishrew" to something like "Will is why I won my life... to see I am the Christ." Verily, I say to you... this whole thing is most definitely not about getting a girl, it's really about changing the world--and everything I do is truly for that purpose. Through my story, there have been quite a few insinuations that some magical Wonderland is seeking out a King and Queen and a romantic love story about how the world got saved. I' not looking to be a King, nor am I looking for a Queen... and here we are, I'm telling you the whole idea that the world being saved might be predicated on a relationship gives me a horrible bad taste in my mouth. That being said, just like my suggestion that I will probably not have financial difficulties once this Wall of Jericho falls and the world is able to actually read and discuss what it is that I am presenting... I also believe that I will probably not have as much of a problem getting a date once that happens. These things are "what keeps me going," as I struggle with a rock hammer slowly chiseling away at a civilization threatening wall of censorship that spans from the internet into your minds... and I will not stop until it is fallen. All that aside, I am pretty interested in having a conversation or a dinner or a breakfast with Taylor... and it's not just because I love her music or the fact that she wears nothing quite well. At this point though, I do think it's official, I am asking you out on a date, Taylor... oh look, you're coming to my home town..., in Hebrew we call that Kismet. Jesus, do you think it means 'kiss me t?" ....never mind, it's fate. Hey, give me my "t" back. Oh, and would you believe... the concert is on "To help your s day." In my defense, let me explain why I appear to be "passively" stalking a rock star... and perhaps "abusing" the weapon that I have by.... trying to get a date. Many of you watched Taylor play the role of little Cindy-Who in the movie "The Grinch who Stole Christmas," I've never seen it... and let that be light--I've never stolen Christmas before. That movie of course is a metaphor about the Second Coming, and the Golden Cow the world is most definitely going to have over what it is that has happened to me for the last four years of my life--I imagine there will me many who blame me... for being honest and sharing the details of what is ostensibly the strangest life God has ever known. Those words come from Jimmy Morrison's song "Waiting for the Son" and that's going to be a big part of the rest of this story, seeing that it truly is God speaking through many musicians and specifically a handful of very special angels. I tend to listen to most every song as if it is God speaking directly to me, especially ones by this handful of artists... though Jim was clearly talking to the Riders on the Storm in that particular verse... who you might also see as angels, or demons... or as equally controlled as the artists... and you. More on that in a bit. I did however watch T "almost" come of age on the show Gossip Girl, where she played a character named "little j," and I'm sure you will recall nearly every J is for Jesus. Because of the light which linksthe word "who" to the Ineffable Name of God, to the American war cry "who-ah" and the Hebrew name for our planet.. Adamah... tied together with the name of her character on Gossip Girl I am pretty sure that Taylor is the created Eve that Genesis talks about... only because the other "Eves" (there's Four Non Blondes, by the way... though one is my mother whose middle name is Eve, and I'm one... perhaps in spiritas) are not so much the shining examples of "being created" as she and I are... people whose lives have been clearly directed to tell a story, one that comes out of the Bible and is real... right before your eyes. I'm don't like the idea of arranged marriages, nor have I ever been on a blind date... but Taylor, I'd make an exception for breakfast. I swear, it's a Last Supper joke. On top of that she is one of the angels singing about the Second Coming, although in a bit of a darker way that I would have done it. Nearly every one of her songs and probably every line has a special meaning to me... and it's very clear that her songs contain information that nobody on Earth could possibly know. I wonder how it is that she knows so much about my life... of course, it's possible that just like many other artists that a Wait, there's more... The Pretty Reckless pretty much unlocked a series of musical narratives of the arrest that sent me on a trip around the country on the lam, putting a special spin on the words "pockets full of Kryptonite." I'm sure you've already read all about it, but the songs are what I think gives both Thor and Neptune their names--by the way, I'm not much of a fan of nepotism either. She sings that I'll find out what I was running from in my grave, but I'm pretty sure I already know the answer--and it's that I wasn't running from anything... but for you, to ensure you received this message, and the freedom that has been promised to you for hundreds of years. Oh, I made a move about this particular series of songs, and the trip around the country. Because I spent my whole life completely blind, not realizing that God was speaking to the world though music, I find it ... curiously interesting when I see that other people are not so blind. Taylor for instance appears to have picked up on this concept, and a number of her songs are direct replies to lyrics of The Doors... sung decades earlier. For instance, she sings "I don't mind if you get yours, but give me mine," and thirty or so years ago I, I mean Jim replied "momma get yours, and I'll get mine." She also sings "you think you are gonna dance with me, you're never gonna dance with me" and "evil, knocking at my door making me its whore" and the reply to these two songs comes booming across time and space from a huge number of angels. What do you guys think is going on? What are we talking about here? Anyone? More interestingly, I mean, at least to me, is that there happens to be a special episode of Gossip Girl where Taylor starts dancing with her shirt off and then towards the end of the scene says "who is at the door?" Before I knew about any of these "care to dance" related interactions, I used that particular scene in a movie I made called "Do you want me to come?" and just because of the dance scene, added "I'm almost famous, and want to dance." Its also interesting to note, Taylor, that the music playing in the background of that scene is "you are dealing with someone who really loves you." Just like I didn't know about this particular song and dance, it of course had not even been written yet... when that scene was created. But I really have to ask.... what does "here we are" mean to you? Oh, there's one more "here we are" song I found, just in case you say "no." Please, Miss Everything, don't say nothing... Wonderland needs it's fire starter... and I could use a love story .... with a happy ending. Couldn't resist. I've tried to "narrate" this series of songs about this fateful dance--I suck at dancing by the way--in a YouTube playlist, CARE TO DANCE. I find these things, this interaction across time and through unsuspecting angels to be "light," something that tells us all a story.... and hopefully will serve a great purpose, perhaps to kick off this renaissance of free will and .... ummm .... free love? <3, Adamah Oh there's also this... ecto gammat from the Fifth Element and.. How does that movie end, again? Just saying. They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads. Revelation 22:4
ᐧ OK So.. eventually this is all about proof that religion is a message sent through time--so, time travel. But right now, let's talk about the fun stuff: here's some clues to that effect... by way of prescient mention of modern technology (like virtual reality, I mean, Heaven): from the mythical carpenter... ourself. .
... and some corroborating ideas connecting religion and computer science... on Wikipedia:
So from me to you, I'm filled with this stuff, it's way brighter and more prevalent than you think... and if you take the time to listen to me--it will make your... day. Meanwhile, I need your help--happy new year. ᐧ and God, I know... I've won, welcome to the House of The Great Light <3 to be or not to be? ᐧ don't try to find the answer... If I say ... this is the final countdown... will you laugh at me? ᐧ
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