Fwd: PhD or postdoc (FU Berlin) in Machine Learning and Microscopy Image Analysis

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Ewers, Helge Ewers, Helge
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Fwd: PhD or postdoc (FU Berlin) in Machine Learning and Microscopy Image Analysis


Dr. Helge Ewers
Senior Lecturer
King's College London
Randall Division of Cell and Molecular Biophysics
 2nd Floor, Hodgkin Building
Guy's Campus
London SE1 1UL
United Kingdom

[hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
+44 20 7848 6441 tel

Doctoral or postdoctoral researchers are sought at Freie Universität

Berlin, Berlin Germany.
The positions will be based at the lab of Frank Noé (Mathematics and
Computer Science).
Different research topics are available:

Mathematical and computer science topics:
- unsupervised compression of very-high dimensional time-series data
- sparse sampling and time-structure based learning
- high performance scientific software development (Python/C++)

Applied topics:
In close collaboration with Helge Ewers (Biochemistry) we will develop
new algorithms to
analyze modern microscopy data. Super-resolution methods that go beyond
the diffraction
limit have led to a revolution in biology. New data analysis methods can
help to increase
spatial resolution, enable temporal resolution and efficiently deal with
high dimensional
microscopy data to yield new insights into biology.

Please send applications (including transcript for Students) to
[hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
More about our research: research.franknoe.de<http://research.franknoe.de>


Prof. Dr. Frank Noe
Head of Computational Molecular Biology group
Freie Universitaet Berlin

Phone: (+49) (0)30 838 75354
Web:   research.franknoe.de<http://research.franknoe.de>
Mail:  Arnimallee 6, 14195 Berlin, Germany