Fwd: Plugin announcement: Parallel Super-Resolution

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Bob Nienhuis Bob Nienhuis
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Fwd: Plugin announcement: Parallel Super-Resolution

This was just announced on the ImageJ list.

Bob Nienhuis

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Piotr Wendykier <[hidden email]>
Date: Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 5:54 PM
Subject: Plugin announcement: Parallel Super-Resolution
To: [hidden email]


A new plugin, called "Parallel Super-Resolution", is available at:


Super-resolution is an image fusion and reconstruction problem, where
an improved resolution image is obtained from several geometrically
warped, low resolution images. The high resolution image is not only
an image that has more pixels (like in the case of interpolation), but
it also has more visible details.


- The plugin can handle arbitrary-sized stacks (low resolution 2D input images)
 and 4D hyperstacks (low resolution 3D input images)
- Multithreading (user can choose the number of computational threads)
- Gauss-Newton used as a non-linear solver
- HyBR used as a linear solver
- Different output types (Same as source, Byte, Short or Float)
- Single and double precision
- Show iterations option
- Non-modal GUI
- The plugin can be called from ImageJ macro

I hope you will find it useful.

Piotr Wendykier