Fwd: superfast monomeric red

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Wendy Salmon Wendy Salmon
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Fwd: superfast monomeric red

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Hello all,

Apologies for being a big off-topic but figure this pool of experts is likely to have useful information.  I have a user looking for a very fast maturing orange-red RFP (like TurboRFP, for example), but which is monomeric. Is anyone aware of something like this, or if there's a tandem dimer of Turbo RFP?

Thanks!  Wendy

Wendy Salmon
Light Microscopy Specialist
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
W.M. Keck Imaging Facility
9 Cambridge Center, Rm 447
Cambridge, MA 02142
c: 617-429-0158
e: [hidden email]
w: http://staffa.wi.mit.edu/microscopy/