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Getting fixatives off

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Medha Pathak Medha Pathak
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Getting fixatives off

Hello All,

I'm doing an experiment that requires patching on to a cell, imaging
fluorescence from a Ca-indicator, fixing the cell while patched and then
repeating the process with the next sample. I'm having some trouble with
remnants of the fixative (PFA & glutaraldehyde) either in my recording
chamber (made of plastic & sylgard) and/or the objective lens affecting
sample health and patching. I'm using an Olympus 100X 1.1 NA long working
distance dipping lens. Instead of cleaning just with water, I tried wiping
the plastic dipping portion of the objective lens with 0.2M ammonium
chloride. For cleaning the recording chamber, I soak the whole thing in
ammonium chloride for a few minutes and then rinse with water. This seems to
work better than water alone.

I wonder whether:
1. NH4Cl might be bad for the objective lens coatings. Would it be ok to dip
the lens in NH4Cl solution?

2. What other ways can I get the PFA & glutaraldehyde off?

Many thanks for your inputs,
Tim O'Brien Sr. Tim O'Brien Sr.
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Re: Getting fixatives off


We used to use a 0.1% sodium borohydride solution for quenching those
fixatives for tubulin immunofluorescence, but I have not tried it with
an objective lens present.  It might be worth a try with a non-precious
objective first, or asking the Olympus support about reactions with
coatings, etc.  We used it ice cold, and a bit of gas is released, so
some ventilation is recommended, and small volumes, no sparks or flames.
This would not remove the aldehydes probably, but might reduce

You might also quench with a high concentration of tris buffer, which
might result in less toxicity as well.

Tim O'Brien
UNC Chapel Hill

Medha Pathak wrote:

> Hello All,
> I'm doing an experiment that requires patching on to a cell, imaging
> fluorescence from a Ca-indicator, fixing the cell while patched and then
> repeating the process with the next sample. I'm having some trouble with
> remnants of the fixative (PFA & glutaraldehyde) either in my recording
> chamber (made of plastic & sylgard) and/or the objective lens affecting
> sample health and patching. I'm using an Olympus 100X 1.1 NA long working
> distance dipping lens. Instead of cleaning just with water, I tried wiping
> the plastic dipping portion of the objective lens with 0.2M ammonium
> chloride. For cleaning the recording chamber, I soak the whole thing in
> ammonium chloride for a few minutes and then rinse with water. This seems to
> work better than water alone.
> I wonder whether:
> 1. NH4Cl might be bad for the objective lens coatings. Would it be ok to dip
> the lens in NH4Cl solution?
> 2. What other ways can I get the PFA & glutaraldehyde off?
> Many thanks for your inputs,
> Medha
zhan cheng zhan cheng
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Re: Getting fixatives off

In reply to this post by Medha Pathak
   I think tris buffer is not a good idea, because it also kill cells. NH4Cl should be ok for the objective, or you may try the alcohol.
        zhan cheng