Global Longitidual Microscopy Facility Survey

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Peter O'Toole-2 Peter O'Toole-2
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Global Longitidual Microscopy Facility Survey

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
Post images on and include the link in your posting.

Dear Microscopy Colleagues,

We are launching an updated survey of core microscopy facilities/shared
resources that aims to become a more thorough and longitudinal study.
Please take time and take part.

While we have  participated in so many other surveys, we felt that none
adequately captured the trends in the facilities over time. Therefore we
have launched this updated survey to address this vital aspect of our
evolving works as microscopists and we will repeat the survey  every 3

Results from your collective contributions will hopefully be published and
open access. Future surveys will repeat many of the same questions, to
enable them to be compared over future years to see how microscopy cores
are evolving with regards to costs, staff ratios, technologies in demand,

We will also evolve the survey as required and capture timely topics which
have a significant impact on our operation and mission, such as the impacts
Covid-19 this time around. We anticipate our community and funders will
benefit from documenting and measuring the extent and nature of the
challenges that have been encountered.

Pete (and on behalf of Kirk, Zhenxi and Elango who also kindly helped set
up the logistics)

Latest Publications:
B-cell Zone Reticular Cell Microenvironments Shape CXCL13 Gradient
Formation - Nature Comms 2020 - preprint
Metastatic breast cancer cells induce altered microglial morphology &
electrical excitability in vivo -  Journal of Neuroinflammation 2020
[image: Follow me on twitter png, Follow me on twitter png Transparent ...]
Dr Peter O'Toole
Director of the Bioscience Technology Facility
Head of Imaging and Cytometry
Bioscience Technology Facility
Department of Biology (Area 15)
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel : +44 (0)1904 328722
Mobile : +44 (0)7941 021148
email : [hidden email]

Peter O'Toole-2 Peter O'Toole-2
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International Longitidual Microscopy Facility Survey

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
Post images on and include the link in your posting.

Just over a week in and has your facility joined the others that have
undertaken the survey?

It took myself 20 minutes, and the more results, the more useful this will
be to demonstrate the needs and the development of core labs.


Watch/listen to the NEW 'The Microscopists' podcast series sharing
entertaining, and personal meetings with the great microscopists of our

Latest Publications:
B-cell Zone Reticular Cell Microenvironments Shape CXCL13 Gradient
Formation - Nature Comms 2020 - preprint
Metastatic breast cancer cells induce altered microglial morphology &
electrical excitability in vivo -  Journal of Neuroinflammation 2020
[image: Follow me on twitter png, Follow me on twitter png Transparent ...]
Dr Peter O'Toole
Director of the Bioscience Technology Facility
Head of Imaging and Cytometry
Bioscience Technology Facility
Department of Biology (Area 15)
University of York
YO10 5DD

Tel : +44 (0)1904 328722
Mobile : +44 (0)7941 021148
email : [hidden email]


On Wed, 19 Aug 2020 at 12:22, Peter O'Toole <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Dear Microscopy Colleagues,
> We are launching an updated survey of core microscopy facilities/shared
> resources that aims to become a more thorough and longitudinal study.
> Please take time and take part.
> While we have  participated in so many other surveys, we felt that none
> adequately captured the trends in the facilities over time. Therefore we
> have launched this updated survey to address this vital aspect of our
> evolving works as microscopists and we will repeat the survey  every 3
> years.
> Results from your collective contributions will hopefully be published and
> open access. Future surveys will repeat many of the same questions, to
> enable them to be compared over future years to see how microscopy cores
> are evolving with regards to costs, staff ratios, technologies in demand,
> etc...
> We will also evolve the survey as required and capture timely topics which
> have a significant impact on our operation and mission, such as the impacts
> Covid-19 this time around. We anticipate our community and funders will
> benefit from documenting and measuring the extent and nature of the
> challenges that have been encountered.
> Best
> Pete (and on behalf of Kirk, Zhenxi and Elango who also kindly helped set
> up the logistics)
> --
> Latest Publications:
> B-cell Zone Reticular Cell Microenvironments Shape CXCL13 Gradient
> Formation - Nature Comms 2020 - preprint
> <>
> Metastatic breast cancer cells induce altered microglial morphology &
> electrical excitability in vivo -  Journal of Neuroinflammation 2020
> <>
> [image: Follow me on twitter png, Follow me on twitter png Transparent ...]
> <>
> <>
> Dr Peter O'Toole
> Director of the Bioscience Technology Facility
> Head of Imaging and Cytometry
> Bioscience Technology Facility
> Department of Biology (Area 15)
> University of York
> YO10 5DD
> Tel : +44 (0)1904 328722
> Mobile : +44 (0)7941 021148
> email : [hidden email]
kirk-20 kirk-20
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Re: Global Longitidual Microscopy Facility Survey

In reply to this post by Peter O'Toole-2
To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
Post images on and include the link in your posting.

Dear Listserv,

This Fall, we circulated a comprehensive Microscopy Facility Survey and
received 220 responses from around the world. The results are really
valuable for the microscopy community. Recently, we shared some of the
preliminary results from this survey at an international microscopy meeting
and we had many requests from  facility managers who did not have a chance
to participate, but still wanted to contribute. *Here is your chance to
contribute! We have temporarily reopened the survey from now until Friday,
February 26th. *After February 26th, we will begin compiling the final
results and publish the consolidated results as soon as possible.  Thank
you for your support!

2020 Longitudinal study on Microscopy Facilities Survey (

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Kirk J Czymmek, Ph.D.

Director, Advanced Bioimaging Laboratory

Principal Investigator

Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

Affiliated Faculty, Saint Louis University Department of Biology

975 North Warson Road|Saint Louis, Missouri 63132

t:314.587.1261 | c:203.833.3476 |f:314.587.1503 |
e:[hidden email]

On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 6:30 AM Peter O'Toole <
[hidden email]> wrote:

> *****
> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
> Post images on and include the link in your posting.
> *****
> Dear Microscopy Colleagues,
> We are launching an updated survey of core microscopy facilities/shared
> resources that aims to become a more thorough and longitudinal study.
> Please take time and take part.
> While we have  participated in so many other surveys, we felt that none
> adequately captured the trends in the facilities over time. Therefore we
> have launched this updated survey to address this vital aspect of our
> evolving works as microscopists and we will repeat the survey  every 3
> years.
> Results from your collective contributions will hopefully be published and
> open access. Future surveys will repeat many of the same questions, to
> enable them to be compared over future years to see how microscopy cores
> are evolving with regards to costs, staff ratios, technologies in demand,
> etc...
> We will also evolve the survey as required and capture timely topics which
> have a significant impact on our operation and mission, such as the impacts
> Covid-19 this time around. We anticipate our community and funders will
> benefit from documenting and measuring the extent and nature of the
> challenges that have been encountered.
> Best
> Pete (and on behalf of Kirk, Zhenxi and Elango who also kindly helped set
> up the logistics)
> --
> Latest Publications:
> B-cell Zone Reticular Cell Microenvironments Shape CXCL13 Gradient
> Formation - Nature Comms 2020 - preprint
> <
> >
> Metastatic breast cancer cells induce altered microglial morphology &
> electrical excitability in vivo -  Journal of Neuroinflammation 2020
> <
> >
> [image: Follow me on twitter png, Follow me on twitter png Transparent ...]
> <>
> <>
> Dr Peter O'Toole
> Director of the Bioscience Technology Facility
> Head of Imaging and Cytometry
> Bioscience Technology Facility
> Department of Biology (Area 15)
> University of York
> YO10 5DD
> Tel : +44 (0)1904 328722
> Mobile : +44 (0)7941 021148
> email : [hidden email]