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Green HeNe543nm laser

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Ghafar Sarvestani Ghafar Sarvestani
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Green HeNe543nm laser

Dear All,

I am going to replace my Green HeNe 543nm laser tube in our Bio-Rad 2100 radiance system. I need your input regarding the choice of the Green HeNe laser543nm.

1. Should I order the  linearly polarized configuration or randomly polarized Green HeNe 543nm? Which one is suitable for Radiance confocal microscope? 

2.What should be the minimum output?

Thank you very much in advance.





Ghafar T Sarvestani, PhD

Hanson Institute for Medical Research

Hanson Building level 2, Room 2-42-N

IMVS, Frome Road, Adelaide SA 5000


Affiliate Lecturer

Department of Medicine

The University Of Adelaide

Tel: +61 8 82223603

Fax: +61 8 82223162

Email:[hidden email]

Guy Cox Guy Cox
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Re: Green HeNe543nm laser

           The Radiance uses a polarizing beam-splitter so it is essential to use a linear polarised laser (and to orient it correctly). 

Optical Imaging Techniques in Cell Biology
by Guy Cox    CRC Press / Taylor & Francis
Associate Professor Guy Cox, MA, DPhil(Oxon)
Electron Microscope Unit, Madsen Building F09,
University of Sydney, NSW 2006
Phone +61 2 9351 3176     Fax +61 2 9351 7682
Mobile 0413 281 861


From: Confocal Microscopy List [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Ghafar Sarvestani
Sent: Thursday, 19 February 2009 4:29 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Green HeNe543nm laser

Dear All,

I am going to replace my Green HeNe 543nm laser tube in our Bio-Rad 2100 radiance system. I need your input regarding the choice of the Green HeNe laser543nm.

1. Should I order the  linearly polarized configuration or randomly polarized Green HeNe 543nm? Which one is suitable for Radiance confocal microscope? 

2.What should be the minimum output?

Thank you very much in advance.





Ghafar T Sarvestani, PhD

Hanson Institute for Medical Research

Hanson Building level 2, Room 2-42-N

IMVS, Frome Road, Adelaide SA 5000


Affiliate Lecturer

Department of Medicine

The University Of Adelaide

Tel: +61 8 82223603

Fax: +61 8 82223162

Email:[hidden email]


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