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Guidance wanted on illumination stability

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Nico Stuurman Nico Stuurman
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Re: 100 nm PSF kit

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> What about 0.1 micrometer TetraSpeck beads from Molecular Probes? They are about 110 +/- 6 nm in size (might depend on the batch) and light up in all channels inclusive the far red. However they seem to loose their fluorescence over time and are useless after a month or so.

Last time I ordered these, the vial contained liquid but no beads.  Second vial shipped same thing.  I am still waiting (~7 months later) for a newly synthesized batch.  If anyone knows of another source for such beads, please let me know.


Kleo Pullin Kleo Pullin
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Microscope time - widefield fluorescence, Tucson

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I'd like to find some relatively inexpensive time on good widefield fluorescence
and stereo microscopes in the Tucson area. The imaging is mostly for my art work
and would consist of biological (plants, some insect parts) and materials
samples. I am an experienced microscopist primarily in electron microscopy and
materials light microscopy, with some training in fluorescence microscopy.

Please reply off-list is you know the ins and outs of microscope time in the
Tucson area.


Kleo Pullin
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