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The Histochemical Society Annual Meeting, Immunohistochemistry, Bridging
the Gap Between Light and EM is still two months away but the deadline
for abstract submission and award applications is this FRIDAY JAN. 19,
2012. There are many valuable awards offered each year and new ones
have been added this year. The meeting dates are March 21-23, 2012 and
registration is open!
Additionally, HCS is partnering with the MARC Awards to offer
substantial travel awards ($1650.) to help support the participation of
faculty/mentors, postdoctoral fellows, and students from minority
institutions and historically black colleges and universities in the
United States to attend the HCS Short Course. Faculty, students, and
postdoctoral fellows of underrepresented groups from majority
institutions are also eligible to apply for these travel awards. The
MARC awards are available for undergraduate students as well.
Please visit the HCS Awards Page to consider the possibilities for
deserving students, postdocs and faculty you know.
http://www.histochemicalsociety.org/awards/For information about submitting an abstract, please visit the HCS
Annual Meeting website:
http://www.histochemistry2012.org/abstractsPosters.htmlVERY IMPORTANT: Space is still available for the HCS Short Course on
Immunohistochemistry and Microscopy. This is the third year, HCS has
offered the course at MBL, in Woods Hole, MA. Led by active academic
researchers and industry scientists, the course is a tightly integrated
mix of lectures, discussion & hands-on lab sessions for understanding &
implementing IHC & microscopy. Learn antibodies, fixation, antigen
retrieval, direct/indirect IHC, detection, troubleshooting & ethics.
Find out more here:
http://immunohistochem.com/Thank you,
Meg McGough