HHMI Janelia Farm imaging conferences in Autumn 2012

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George McNamara George McNamara
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HHMI Janelia Farm imaging conferences in Autumn 2012

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HHMI Janelia Farm campus has several interesting conferences this
autumn. Registration deadline is early May (a request to attend and
promise to attend if the organizers select you). You need to submit an
abstract. I asked to attend the middle two.


      October 21-24, 2012 - Light-Based Approaches to Neural Circuit
      Reconstruction <http://www.janelia.org/conferences-events/overview>

      October 28-31, 2012 - Turning Images to Knowledge: Large-Scale 3D
      Image Annotation, Management and Visualization

      November 4-7, 2012 - Fluorescent Proteins and Biological Sensors

      November 11-14, 2012 - Neuron Types in the Hippocampal Formation:
      Structure, Activity, and Molecular Genetics

*Is there a registration fee to attend Janelia Farm conferences?*
There is no registration fee for our conferences, and cover the cost of
food and housing.

      October 21-24, 2012 - Light-Based Approaches to Neural Circuit
      Reconstruction <http://www.janelia.org/conferences-events/overview>

Identifying the functional organization of neural networks is key to
understanding how the brain processes and stores information. This
workshop, a follow-up to the first one held in fall 2010, will continue
to explore advances in the genetic, molecular, optical and computational
tools that facilitate neural circuit reconstruction by light microcopy.
Topics to be discussed include: genetic methods, cytochemistry,
light-based acquisition strategies and informatics.

*Click HERE
<http://conference.janelia.org/cms/apply.html?conferenceId=73%20> to
apply.  Registration for this meeting closes on _May 10, 2012 (2pm ET)_.*

*To apply for a student scholarship, click here

*Jeff Lichtman,/ Harvard University/
Gene Myers, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/
Gerald Rubin, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/
Stephen Smith, /Stanford University School of Medicine/

*Invited Participants**
*Giorgio Ascoli, /George Mason University/
Eric Betzig, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/
Randy Bruno, /Columbia University/
Ed Callaway, /Salk Institute for Biological Studies/
Albert Cardona, /University of Zurich and ETH Zurich/
Hollis Cline, /The Scripps Research Institute/
Winfried Denk, /Max Planck Institute for Medical Research/
Barry  Dickson, /Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna/
Michael Hausser, /University College London/
Michael Hawrylycz, /Allen Institute for Brain Science/
Josh Huang, /Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/
Jason Kerr, /Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics/
Tzumin Lee, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/
Loren Looger, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/
Robert Marc, /University of Utah School of Medicine/
Maryann Martone,/ University of California, San Diego/
Kristina Micheva, /Stanford University/
Partha Mitra, /Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/
Atsushi Miyawaki, /RIKEN Brain Science Institute/
Aljoscha Nern, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/
Pavel Osten, /Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory/
Hanchuan Peng, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/
Badri Roysam, /University of Houston/
Joshua Sanes, /Harvard University/
Sebastian Seung, /HHMI/Massachusetts Institute of Technology/
Stephan Sigrist, /Freie Universität Berlin/
Charles Stevens, /Salk Institute for Biological Studies/
Michael Stryker, /University of California, San Francisco/
Karel Svoboda, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/
Larry Swanson,/ University of Southern California/
James Truman, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/
Roger Tsien,/ HHMI/University of California, San Diego/
Rachel Wong, /University of Washington/
Hongkui Zeng, /Allen Institute for Brain Science/
Xiaowei Zhuang, /HHMI/Harvard University/

      October 28-31, 2012 - Turning Images to Knowledge: Large-Scale 3D
      Image Annotation, Management and Visualization

A follow-up to the first held in spring 2010, this conference will focus
not on pure image analysis, but will instead stress the importance of
extracting useful and biologically relevant descriptions and knowledge
from image contents in a systematic, comprehensive and high-throughput
way. We will review the state-of-the-art in the related fields, and
promote the development of critical tools to accelerate the discovery of
useful knowledge from image contents. Among others, participants will
discuss topics relevant to how biologists and biomedical researchers are
currently annotating 3D images on different scales, and how these
methods can be improved, as well as how to manage complex annotations
with regard to ontology and database limitations.

*Click HERE
<http://conference.janelia.org/cms/apply.html?conferenceId=74> to
apply.  Registration for this meeting closes on _May 10, 2012 (2pm ET)_.*

*To apply for a student scholarship, click here

*Erik Meijering, /Erasmus MC - University Medical Center Rotterdam/
Gene Myers, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/
Hanchuan Peng, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/

*Invited Participants**
*Manfred Auer, /Lawrence Berkeley National Lab/
Chandrajit Bajaj, /University of Texas at Austin/
Zhirong Bao, /Sloan-Kettering Institute/
Gaudenz Danuser, /Harvard Medical School/
James Duncan,/ Yale University/
Kevin Eliceiri, /University of Wisconsin-Madison/
Thomas Goddard,/ University of California, San Francisco/
Michael Hawrylycz, /Allen Institute for Brain Science/
Tianzi Jiang, /Chinese Academy of Sciences/
Takeo Kanade, /Carnegie Mellon University/
Boudewijn Lelieveldt,/ Leiden University Medical Center/
Fuhui Long, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/
B. Manjunath, /University of California, Santa Barbara/
Dimitris Metaxas, /Rutgers University/
Alexander Pico, /The Gladstone Institutes/
William Ryu,/ University of Toronto/
Jianbo Shi, /University of Pennsylvania/
Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood, /IBM Almaden Research Center/
Dimitrios Vavylonis, /Lehigh University /
Robert Waterston, /University of Washington/

      November 4-7, 2012 - Fluorescent Proteins and Biological Sensors

Building on discussions from the first two meetings in this series, this
conference will showcase the development of cutting-edge tools and
technology for imaging, from cells to intact animals. Sessions will
cover the design and discovery of new fluorescent proteins (and
intriguing alternatives), and their incorporation into sensors for
signaling molecules and cellular states. Innovative imaging modalities
making use of such reagents, as well as biological discoveries gleaned
from such experiments, will also be presented. It is our hope that the
meeting can present a clear picture of how far these tools have come in
recent years, and what additional reagents and capabilities are required
to continue the advance of the Age of Light.

*Click HERE
<http://conference.janelia.org/cms/apply.html?conferenceId=75%20> to
apply.  Registration for this meeting closes on _May 10, 2012 (2pm ET)_.*

*To apply for a student scholarship, click here

*Loren Looger, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/
Atsushi Miyawaki,/ RIKEN Brain Science Institute/
Ryohei Yasuda,/ Duke University Medical Center/
Jin Zhang, /The Johns Hopkins University/

*Invited Participants**
*Eric Betzig, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/
Edward Boyden, /Massachusetts Institute of Technology/
Robert Campbell,/ University of Alberta/
Adam Cohen,/ Harvard University/
Daniel Evanko, /Nature Methods/
Oliver Griesbeck, /Max Plank Institute of Neurobiology/
Fritjof Helmchen, /Brain Research Institute, University of Zurich/
Thomas Hughes, /Montana State University/
Samie Jaffrey, /Cornell University/
Jason Kerr, /Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics/
Baljit Khakh,/ University of California, Los Angeles/
Tom Knopfel,/ RIKEN Brain Science Institute/
Leon Lagnado, /University of Cambridge/
Jeff Lichtman, /Harvard University/
Michael Lin, /Stanford University/
Takeharu Nagai, /Hokkaido University/
Masamichi Ohkura, /Saitama University Brain Science Institute/
Amy Palmer, /University of Colorado at Boulder/
David Piston, /Vanderbilt University/
Jim Remington, /University of Oregon/
Carsten Schultz, /European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)/
Hari Shroff, /National Institutes of Health/
Karel Svoboda, /Janelia Farm Research Campus/HHMI/
Vladislav Verkhusha, /Albert Einstein College of Medicine/
Sam Wang, /Princeton University/
Jenny Yang, /Georgia State University/
Gary Yellen, /Harvard Medical School/
David Yue, /Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine/
Hongkui Zeng, /Allen Institute for Brain Science/