Harvard CARS Workshop June 2010

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Sunney Xiaoliang Xie Sunney Xiaoliang Xie
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Harvard CARS Workshop June 2010

Seventh Annual Coherent Raman Microscopy Workshop at Harvard University

June 23 - 25, 2010


Be exposed to the cutting edge of a new bioimaging technique! This summer, the Xie Group will host the Seventh Annual Coherent Raman Microscopy Workshop at Harvard, now featuring CARS and SRS microscopy.


Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) microscopy allow noninvasive 3D imaging of living cells and tissue based on the vibrational contrast intrinsic to molecular species. Through improvements in detection sensitivity, theoretical understanding of the contrast mechanism and development of new laser sources, Coherent Raman Microscopy has matured as a powerful methodology for bioimaging in recent years. More information can be found at: http://bernstein.harvard.edu/research/cars.html.


This training course will reflect the state-of-the-art of these rapidly evolving techniques. Coherent Raman Microscopy experts from academia and industry will combine discussion of the underlying principles of CARS and SRS with application through hands-on laboratory experience. The past years’ workshops were truly successful. One hundred and ninety-four trainees from fifteen countries have attended the past six workshops. Some comments on past workshops:


“I hope this is the first workshop in a long series,” said one 2004 workshop attendee. “I enjoyed it very much and learned a great deal.”


“...an exceptional workshop in every regard.”


"This workshop was just like another Gordon Research Conference."


“I particularly like the way the three topics are put together: theory, instrumentation and applications.”


This year’s workshop will feature demonstrations of prototypes of commercial microscopes and laser sources for CARS and SRS imaging.


This year’s workshop is made possible through generous support from NSF, APE, Chroma, Clark-MXR, Inc., Coherent, Genia Photonics, High Q Laser, Leica, Olympus, Toptica Photonics, Zeiss, and the Harvard University Center for Nanoscale Systems.


Applicants from academia, government, and industry of all countries are welcome. Slots are available for a maximum of forty trainees. The application deadline is March 26, 2010. A limited number of fellowships will be available for graduate students or postdoctoral fellows, courtesy of the sponsors.  Additional information about the workshop, including the application form, can be found at:




If you, your associates, or colleagues are interested in attending the workshop, please submit the application form and contact me at [hidden email]. Feel free to forward the attached flyer to colleagues, students, or anyone else you believe will be interested in it. We hope to see you this summer at Harvard!


Teri Howard – Xie Group

CRS Workshop Administrator                                                
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology                    
Harvard University                                                                 
12 Oxford St.
Cambridge, MA 02138

Tel: 617-384-8126

Fax: 617-496-8709

Email: [hidden email]