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Help:-in need of an old inverted microscope

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Deepak nair Deepak nair
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Help:-in need of an old inverted microscope

Dear list colleagues,

I am forwarding this mail on behalf of my colleague who has recently moved to Bordeaux. He is in need of an inverted microscope to set up a basic microinjection facility. Since he has just moved in and only in the process of setting up his lab, it would really be great if some one could help him by gifting an old inverted microscope....I am attaching his call for help below....If any one has offers of help please contact him in this address, [hidden email]

Thanking you in advance

Deepak on behalf of Derek


I have just started a  lab as an independent group leader in Bordeaux, France and I am helping someone build a microinjection rig.  I am wondering if anyone may have an old inverted microscope lying around that they would like to see sent to a good home?  I do not need objectives (we have Zeiss objectives) or the microinjection device, I just need the basic skeleton of an inverted scope.  Ideally the microscope would be compatible with our Zeiss objectives.  I would be happy to cover shipping costs if anyone can help.

Thank you,


Derek McCusker Ph.D.
Cell Growth and Division Laboratory
European Institute of Chemistry and Biology INSERM U889
2 rue Robert Escarpit
Pessac Cedex 33607

Tel:    +33 (0)5 40 00 30 21
Fax:    +33 (0)5 40 00 22 15

email: [hidden email]