Help with Image Analysis

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pradeep kumar-2 pradeep kumar-2
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Help with Image Analysis

Hello Sir/Madam,
How are you doing?I have heard about Image J just now fromDr.Rieken.I downloaded it.He told me we could analyze all images at a time using Macros.I would like to get the data of densitometry of DAPI,Ki67 and H2AX signal in cells.I am taking images as Tiff images.As we have started project,i am not getting much time to read the whole manual.I would be glad to you if you could guide me how to find suitable Macros for this and analyze signal.Thank you very much for your time.Have a wonderful day.
The sample data I was referring
IDRegion Area [µm²] H2AX KI67 DAPI
2.000 13.668 60.854 30.205 208.546
3.000 6.729 72.202 29.174 235.648
6.000 13.710 50.504 63.602 248.936
7.000 4.203 50.172 101.242 263.459
10.000 10.933 40.305 63.602 179.623
12.000 10.891 61.357 27.957 218.769
13.000 9.088 31.796 47.991 179.834
14.000 2.820 26.294 36.807 244.818
15.000 82.345 35.426 45.969 177.834
16.000 4.602 36.843 58.702 97.308
17.000 34.077 43.223 37.260 406.203
18.000 18.186 103.360 45.666 307.036

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