Higher Research Scientist - Super Resolution Microscopy @ NPL Teddingon, UK

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Higher Research Scientist - Super Resolution Microscopy @ NPL Teddingon, UK

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Dear All,

The Biometrology group at NPL is looking for a Higher Research Scientist to
work in the field of Super Resolution Microscopy. If you are interested,
please check the description bellow and for more information please visit:

Best wishes,


National Physical Laboratory
Hampton Rd | Teddington | Middlesex | UK | TW11 0LW
Tel: +44 (0)20 8943 6016 <020%208943%206016>
Web: www.npl.co.uk  | http://www.npl.co.uk/biotechnology

*Higher Research Scientist - Super Resolution Microscopy*

*Job Ref:*


*Job Title:*

Higher Research Scientist - Super Resolution Microscopy





*Closing date:*

21st July 2018

*Job Description*

NPL is the UK`s National Measurement Institute providing the measurement
expertise that underpins UK prosperity and quality of life. From unhackable
quantum communications and superfast 5G to antibiotic alternatives and more
effective cancer diagnosis/treatments; technological advances must be built
on a foundation of reliable measurement to succeed. Building on over a
century`s worth of expertise, NPL`s science, engineering and technology
makes this possible.
NPL is a world-leading research facility, bringing together scientists and
engineers from almost every field to help save lives, protect the
environment and enable citizens to feel safe and secure as well as support
global trade and innovation.
NPL has a regional footprint with hubs around the UK, plans for
international growth and a state-of-the art purpose-built laboratory in
Teddington, south west London, where its scientists and engineers work with
leading edge equipment and facilities.
In line with significant organisational growth and transformation plans,
NPL has a clear vision "to be an exemplary National Laboratory that
undertakes excellent science and engineering and uses this to deliver
extraordinary impact for the UK". We also clearly define our mission "to
provide the measurement capability that underpins the UK`s prosperity and
quality of life".
We currently have a vacancy for a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist
with a background in optics, bio-imaging instrument development and image
analysis to work within our Biometrology group.

The Biometrology group at NPL is a growing multidisciplinary team who
develop innovative materials and methods to advance the current
understanding of biological processes at the biomolecular, subcellular and
cellular levels. Our research responds to the challenges of
reproducibility, traceability and comparability in biological R&D as well
as the lack of suitable biological standards. The successful candidate will
apply this knowledge to address global challenges in the areas of national
and global priorities including drug and antimicrobial discovery, cell and
gene therapies, optogenetics, regenerative medicine and synthetic biology.

Working as part of a friendly, multidisciplinary team of biologists,
chemists and physicists, you will develop and apply cutting edge light
microscopy methods including multiphoton, super-resolution and light sheet
microscopy for the quantitative imaging of biological systems.

You will have a PhD in a relevant subject, with competence in the
development of scientific instrumentation and imaging systems, relevant
scientific programming languages (e.g. MATLAB, Labview) and experience of
optical microscopy including biological image analysis. Good communication
skills and the ability to work as part of a team are both essential
Additional desirable skills and experience include software development for
instrument control and data analysis and live cell imaging.