Histochemistry 2011 Abstract and Early Registration

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Meg McGough Meg McGough
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Histochemistry 2011 Abstract and Early Registration

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Histochemistry 2011: Detection of Phosphorylated Proteins
Deadline are approaching for abstract submission and early registration
for The Histochemical Society's annual meeting and short course on
Immunohistochemistry at MBL, Woods Hole, MA, March 27 -30 (short course)
and March 30 - April 1 (annual meeting.)

The Abstract deadline for posters and oral presentations is Monday,
February 14. You still have time! There is no charge for submitting an
abstract and some talks from the meeting will be chosen from submitted
abstracts. The following link takes you to the abstract submission page.


The Early Registration deadline for the meeting and short course is
Monday, February 21. There is significant savings for early registration
for both members and nonmembers. Registration includes accommodations
and all meals and refreshment breaks. Join HCS for a week of intense
focus on imaging.

Meeting website

Short Course website
