Histochemistry 2012: Bridging the Gap Between Light and EM

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Meg McGough Meg McGough
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Histochemistry 2012: Bridging the Gap Between Light and EM

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Second Announcement:
Histochemistry 2012: The Histochemical Society Annual Meeting and
Hands-On Short Course in Immunohistochemistry and Microscopy

Locations: MBL, Wood Hole, MA.
Short Course: March 18-20, 2012
Meeting: March 21-23, 2012

Short Course Program
BootCamp on the basics followed by formal sessions on IHC, Controls,
Ethics and Image Management. Q&A held in breakout sessions of small
groups. Hands-on lab modules include chromagen and fluorescent detection
of signals. Microscopy suites includes light, fluorescent and confocal
microscopes. Additionally, there will be demonstrations of microwave
immunohistochemistry and western blots for antibody specificity. Course
topics include Antibodies, Antigen Retrieval, Automated IHC, Controls,
Detection, Direct vs Indirect IHC, Enzyme vs Fluorescence approaches,
Fixation, and Troubleshooting.

Annual Meeting Program
Program includes sessions on Switchable Quantum Dots, Advancing Biology
with Calibrated Imaging and Validated Analysis, Biological Shape Spaces:
Transforming Shape into Knowledge, Correlative Microscopy, Technical
Reviews, Poster Sessions, and HCS Business Meeting and Awards
Presentation. The JHC Plenary Lecture is "What Is Actually in the
Extracellular Matrices that You Stain?” presented by Richard Hynes of
MIT and HHMI. The Chroma Technology Lecture is presented by Bernd
Fritzsch, University of Iowa.

HCS offers a number of awards for the meeting and course, including
travel and achievement awards and FASEB MARC travel awards. You must
apply for an award or be nominated, be a member of The Histochemical
Society, attend the annual meeting and be present to receive the award.
For complete HCS Awards information, please visit:

Registration fees cover all meeting or course expenses including
accommodations, meals, breaks, and receptions.
Please visit the HCS meeting website: http://www.histochemistry2012.org/
January 20, 2012 is the deadline for Early Registration, HCS Awards
Applications and Abstract deadline.

Questions? Please email Meg McGough, [hidden email]