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Huygens Image Contest 2013 **company message**

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Vincent Schoonderwoert Vincent Schoonderwoert
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Huygens Image Contest 2013 **company message**

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:

Dear All,

We invite all Huygens users to submit their most favorite image(s) and
or movies created with the Huygens software.
Alternatively, we also welcome photos somehow related to SVI or
Christiaan Huygens, so don't feel restricted!

If you do not have direct access to all Huygens options you are welcome
to receive a 30 day license.

The complete SVI team will pour over the images and after a hot debate
inform the winner on December 2, 2013

Winners will receive a new Google Nexus 10 2 (1st price) or Google Nexus
7 (2nd price) tablet.

More information on this contest is on our homepage http://www.svi.nl

We look forward seeing your image(s)/movie(s)!

The SVI team