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*I Course Leica on Advance Confocal Microscopy and STED super resolution*
7th-9th July 2015 | IBMC | Porto | Portugal
Leica will organize in collaboration with IBMC a course Leica on Advanced
Confocal Microscopy and STED Super Resolution. This course will be from 7th
to 9th July of 2015 at IBMC and aims to provide extend technical skills and
know-how in advanced confocal imaging methods and in the state of art Leica
equipment including the STED super resolution, Light Sheet microscopy
(DLS), high content analysis and widefield FRAP. It combines introductory
lectures and practical hands-on sessions. During the practical sessions,
students will be able to observe their own samples.
Nathalie Garin, Leica Microsystems (Schweiz) AG
Clément Laigle, Leica Microsistemas S.L.
Javier Pazos, Leica Microsistemas S.L
Paco Porto, Leica Microsistemas S.L.
Paula Sampaio, Advanced Light Microscopy, IBMC
José Rino Henriques, Bioimaging Unit, IMM
Renato Soccodato, Glial Cell Group, IBMC
Fábio Fernandes, Instituto Superior Técnico
More information at
https://www.ibmc.up.pt/training/workshops/i-course-leica-advance-confocal-microscopy-and-sted-super-resolutionRegistration fee: 350 Euros (includes documentation, course material, lunches, coffee breaks
and Course Dinner)
Those interested should apply by filling the pre-registration form online
Paula Sampaio, PhD.
IBMC - Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular
Universidade do Porto
Rua Campo Alegre 823
P4150-180 PORTO
Tel: +351 226074900 Ext: 1606
Fax: +351 226099157
[hidden email]
http://www.ibmc.up.pthttps://www.ibmc.up.pt/research/research-facilities/advanced-light-microscopy/homePPBI - Portuguese Platform of BioImaging