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http://listserv.acsu.buffalo.edu/cgi-bin/wa?S1=confocal >========================================================== >ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS >========================================================== >ICIAR 2008 - 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE ANALYSIS AND >RECOGNITION >June 25 - 27, 2008, Povoa de Varzim, Portugal > >General Chair: Aurelio Campilho ([hidden email]) >General Co-Chair: Mohamed Kamel ([hidden email]) > >http://www.iciar.uwaterloo.ca/iciar08/ > >Papers due: December 22, 2007 > >========================================================== >ICIAR - International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition aims >to bring together researchers in the fields of Image Processing, Image >Analysis and Pattern Recognition. > >The conference addresses recent advances in theory, methodologies and >applications. The scientific program includes invited speakers and >fully refereed contributions that are published in the conference >proceedings. > >ICIAR series is organized annually, alternating between Europe and >North America. ICIAR 2008 will be held in Povoa do Varzim, Portugal. > >In 2004, the first conference was held in Porto, Portugal. ICIAR 2005 >took place in Toronto, Canada. ICIAR 2006 was held in Povoa de Varzim, >Portugal and ICIAR 2007 in Montreal, Canada. > >========================================================== >TOPICS >· Image and Video Processing and Analysis: > Image restoration and enhancement > Image and video segmentation > Mathematical morphology > Color, texture and motion analysis > 3D image analysis > Tracking > Shape and matching > Real time imaging > >· Image and Video Coding: > Still image and video coding; > Image and video encryption > >· Image Retrieval and Indexing: > Image and video databases > Image and video retrieval and indexing > >· Pattern Recognition for Image Analysis: > Feature extraction and selection methods > Classification and Clustering techniques > Ensembles and multi-classifiers > Hybrid methods > Syntactical methods > >· Applications: > Biomedical > Biometrics > Document Processing > Remote Sensing > Multimedia > Security Systems > Visual Inspection > Sports > Other applications > >========================================================== >PAPER SUBMISSION > >Authors are invited to submit full papers showing original research >contributions. The conference proceedings is planned to be published in >the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (Springer LNCS). >Only electronic submission will be accepted through the conference >paper submission web page. See the conference web page for details. > >========================================================== >SPECIAL SESSIONS > >Proposals for special invited sessions are welcome, however all >papers will go through the normal review process. The proposed >sessions must include a title, contact information for the session >chair(s) and their short bio's, and a list of authors already >contacted or to be contacted. > >Proposals should be submitted to the conference chairs no later >than December 7, 2007. > >========================================================== > >IMPORTANT DATES > >Paper Submission deadline: December 22, 2007 >Special session proposals deadline: December 7, 2007 >Author Notification: February 29, 2008 >Camera-ready version: March 20, 2008 > > >========================================================== >Please find the call for papers and more information at the webpage >http://www.iciar.uwaterloo.ca/iciar08 ********************************************************* Paula Sampaio, PhD. IBMC - Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular Universidade do Porto Rua Campo Alegre 823 P4150-180 PORTO PORTUGAL Tel: +351 226074900 Ext: 1606 Fax: +351 226099157 email: [hidden email] Web page: http://www.ibmc.up.pt/ ********************************************************* |
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