II Core Management workshop - Applications Open

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Claudia Florindo Claudia Florindo
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II Core Management workshop - Applications Open

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Dear all


The II Core Management workshop will take place this here in Faro, Portugal
on the 16-17 September.


This workshop follows from the first "
<http://uic.igc.gulbenkian.pt/coreworkshop.htm> Core Management Workshop
that took place in July  2012; and was many international experts in several
core areas, having been highly participative and generating informative and
heated discussions on core management. The enthusiasm generated was such
that, at the end of the workshop, most participants felt that it would be
beneficial to have this meeting annually and taking place in different



This two-day workshop will consist of expert talks, a few commercial
presentations, an informal poster session at the end of day one, and a
round-table discussion at the end of the workshop.

The aim is to foster discussion on the different strategies each Core
Facility uses to provide the best possible service.

We hope to see you all here in sunny Algarve.


For registration and information’s please consult:


or send an email to [hidden email]


We hope to you can join us



Claudia Florindo

Rui Gardner

Nuno Moreno

Álvaro Tavares






Claudia Florindo, PhD, Microscopy Unit Manager

 <mailto:[hidden email]%20%7C00351> [hidden email] |00351 289244 495
ext: 7495; 7489; 7484 (mic lab)

Dept. de Ciências Biomedicas e Medicina

Uni. Algarve, Campus de Gambelas Ed 8, lab 1.18

8005-139 Faro, Portugal.