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IIIrd EMBO Practical course on 3D Developmental Imaging - IGC Oeiras Portugal
Dear colleagues,
We are one week from the deadline for applications to the course on "3D
Developmental Imaging" - April 20th!
This is a course for highly motivated graduate students, post-docs and
researchers working on developmental biology and with an urgent need for 3D
imaging microscopy and image analysis techniques.
Dates: June 29- July 7th 2012
Location: Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência - Oeiras Portugal
Applicants are required to propose a project for the course and are encouraged
to bring their own embryos to image and analyse.
Topics and equipment of the course will include:
Confocal + multiphoton, SPIM/ultramicroscopy, OPT, microCT, others...
Analysis of cell movement and tissue morphogenesis, 3D image reconstruction
and analysis software, 3D data management and publication.
The registration price (50, paid only after acceptance!) includes all local
transportation, meals and hotel for the full duration of the course!
A limited number of travel grants will be available for participants coming from
labs in countries in need of scientific strengthening (within Europe or
internationally; priority given to Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia,
Greece, Hungary, Israel, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey).
For more information online:
http://events.embo.org/12-developmental-imaging/http://events.embo.org/12-developmental-imaging/programme.htmlhttp://events.embo.org/12-developmental-imaging/speakers.htmlHope to see you in Oeiras!
The organizers