IIT tells...

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Alberto Diaspro Alberto Diaspro
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IIT tells...

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Dear friends
let you know that

Friday, 15 February at 6:30 p.m.
IIT si racconta…
Scientific Cafés – 5th appointment
Quando la luce svela il comportamento delle nostre cellule, molecola dopo molecola
When light reveals our cells’ behavior, molecule by molecule
Paolo Bianchini and Francesca Cella Zanacchi, IIT Nanophysics Dept.
Location CHANGE àPasticceria Liquoreria Marescotti di Cavo, in via Fossatello 35R e 37R, Genova
This event will be held in Italian language. Reservation is kindly requested (010 209 1226)

All the best
Alberto Diaspro