ISAC CytoU Webinar: Collaborative Image Analysis in the Cloud for Improved Reproducibility and High Scalability

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ISAC CytoU Webinar: Collaborative Image Analysis in the Cloud for Improved Reproducibility and High Scalability

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Hi Everyone,

Just a short announcement: ISAC will be hosting a free webinar on the
NCATS Web Image Processing Pipeline (WIPP) that will also include
discussion of the commercial Zeiss APEER cloud-based image processing
platform (no commercial interests involved - it simply happened that
comparison of these two platforms made a complimentary/interesting
webinar).  The speakers include Peter Bajcsy (NIST), Nathan Hotaling
(NCATS), and Sreenivas Bhattiprolu (Zeiss).  The webinar will be
December 10, at 12 PM EST.  A link for registering is below.  Thanks!

Best regards,



Silas J. Leavesley, Ph.D.

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Department of Pharmacology
Center for Lung Biology
University of South Alabama
150 Student Services Drive, SH4129
Mobile, AL 36688
ph: (251)-460-6160
fax: (251)-461-1485