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2-day course on image analysis
Microscopic Image Analysis: From Theory to Practice
January 20-21, 2014
Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
During this course, the participant will 1) obtain a deeper theoretical understanding of image analysis methods, and 2) obtain practical experience with image analysis software (ImageJ) and learn how to use image analysis more intelligently, on their own computer.
The course is intended for PhD students and Postdocs who would like to deepen their understanding of image analysis methods and learn how to use them.
Participants should bring their own laptop computer to the course for the practical exercises.
Software and sample image data will be provided during the course (USB stick). No prior knowledge of image processing is required.
Date and Location
The course will be held on 20-21 January 2014 at Erasmus MC, Medical Faculty.
Course room Onderwijscentrum (t.b.c. See here for maps:
Participants should register through the Molecular Medicine website and will be placed on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The maximum number of participants is 25.
Dr. Erik Meijering (Medical Informatics and Radiology)
Dr. Gert van Cappellen (Optical Imaging Centre)
Dr. Ihor Smal (Medical Informatics and Radiology)
Dr. Gert-Jan Kremers (Optical Imaging Centre)
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