Image analysis specialist / software developer at the Imaging Core Facility (IMCF) of the Biozentrum - Basel

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Oliver Biehlmaier-2 Oliver Biehlmaier-2
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Image analysis specialist / software developer at the Imaging Core Facility (IMCF) of the Biozentrum - Basel

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Dear all,

If you are an image analysis specialist who would like to work in a great team at a state of the art light microscopy facility, please consider applying to the following position at the Imaging Core Facility of the Biozentrum in Basel.


The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the leading institutes worldwide for molecular and biomedical basic research and teaching. It is home to more than 30 research groups with scientists from over 40 countries. Research at the Biozentrum focuses on the areas of Cell Growth & Development, Infection Biology, Neurobiology, Structural Biology & Biophysics and Computational & Systems Biology. With its more than 500 employees, the Biozentrum is the largest department at the University of Basel’s Faculty of Science.

The Imaging Core Facility (IMCF) is a well established  technology platform at the Biozentrum of the University Basel offering access to high-end microscopy systems (e.g. super-resolution, lightsheet, confocal microscopy). The biological applications cover research areas including cellular biochemistry, cell biology, microbiology, infection biology, neurobiology and developmental biology.

The following position is available as-of April 2017:
Image analysis specialist / software developer at the Imaging Core Facility (IMCF) of the Biozentrum - Basel

To strengthen our team, we are looking for an image analysis specialist / software developer with a strong interest in biological applications. As an ideal candidate, you should be service-minded, proactive, and a good team player. You will be designing, implementing and testing new hardware/software solutions. Typical tasks include scripting for data management tasks, development and implementation of image/data processing solutions, typically based on common bio-medical toolkits like ImageJ/Fiji, CellProfiler, Ilastik etc. Among your future tasks will also be the maintenance of our OMERO image data repository, our Huygens Remote Manager, and our newly built image processing virtualization infrastructure. Also, you will be in charge of evaluation and setup of a solid screening / automation workflow, ideally connected to OMERO. Many of these tasks will be done in close collaboration with our colleagues of the Research IT facility. Finally, teaching image analysis software to facility users will also be an important part of this position.
We collaborate with imaging facilities and staff scientists in-house and across Switzerland, and expect candidates to have well-developed social and networking skills and to enjoy collaborating with peers. 

We are looking for an enthusiastic person with a Master or PhD degree in Computer Science, Physics, Biology or a related field, who has proven competence in image processing and development of user-friendly software using Python, Java, Matlab and/or C++. Basic system administration expertise under Linux, Windows, and Mac OS operating systems is expected.  Knowledge of OMERO, Fiji, CellProfiler etc. and/or being an active member of the corresponding OpenSource communities is a strong plus. Good communication skills in English are essential.

The Biozentrum offers a cutting-edge research infrastructure, a highly international environment, and excellent working conditions. Please send your application including a portfolio with CV, a letter of motivation, and the name/address of three references (all in one PDF-file) via:
Application deadline is January 30th, 2017

Oliver Biehlmaier, PhD
Imaging Core Facility
Biozentrum /University of Basel
Klingelbergstrasse 50/70
CH-4056 Basel / Switzerland


Oliver Biehlmaier, PhD | Head of Imaging Core Facility  | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Klingelbergstrasse 50/70 | CH-4056 Basel