Image processing workshop with J. Russ

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Richard Cole Richard Cole
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Image processing workshop with J. Russ

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***1 Day Image Processing Workshop with John Russ***

Saturday March 22, 2014 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Pre ABRF meeting workshop

The course will feature both lecture and "hands-on" sessions.

Limited to 20 participants so register early!

For more info and to register:

Topics to include:

o    Noise reduction/filtering - Gaussian smoothing, bilateral, median;

o    Adjusting image contrast - histogram stretching, gamma equalization;

o    Enhancement of image details - local equalization, derivatives, high

o    Thresholding and object detection - automatic, color, seed-fill;

o    Morphological operators - classic and conditional, watershed,

o    Measurements - stereological, volume, surface area, length;

o    Data analysis - classification, correlation, statistical summary/plots.

++++Up to 10 imaging awards to be given out to offset the course cost++++

Confirmed attendees are encouraged to submit their own images and image
processing questions ahead of time so that the workshop content can be
tailored to the participants' interests.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Richard Cole, Claire Brown, Alison North and Phil Hockberger

ABRF Light Microscopy Track committee