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The Biology Department of Boston College is seeking a position for an
experienced microscopist to run the imaging facility.
The Imaging Facility Manager will have the responsibility of operating
instruments, training new operators, consulting with users on experimental
design and completion, interfacing with instrument manufacturers, and the
maintenance of instruments in the Biology Imaging Facility. The facility
supports research by faculty from several departments, including Biology,
Chemistry, Psychology, and Physics. The facility at present includes a Zeiss
upright fluorescent/DIC instrument run with Openlab software and two Leica
LSM confocal microscopes and a spinning disk confocal run with Metamorph.
Ph. D. level or equivalent experience. Extensive and documented experience
with wide-field fluorescence and confocal microscopy, specimen preparation
of fixed samples and imaging of live samples, ability to work with different
cell types and experimental model systems, ability to work well with students
and with faculty at all levels.
To apply:
https://www7.bc.edu/erecruit/index.htmljob ID# 9329
or Search for keywords: Facility Manager