I would like to share a position opening with the group. I have a DOE grant
underway with several years of funding for someone to use imaging to resolve
pore structure, pH, and other characteristics of fungal degradation in plant
cells. The work is based at the University of Minnesota, with use of scopes
and beam lines at NREL, Lawrence Berkeley NL, and UC Berkeley. It is a cool
project with solid funding. The results are relevant to biomass processing
but also will resolve several basic questions about fungal biology, long
overdue for answering using imaging.
Inquire to the address below.
Jonathan Schilling, Ph.D.
Bioproducts & Biosystems Engineering (BBE)
University of Minnesota
2004 Folwell Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55108
Phone: 612-624-1761
Fax : 612-625-6286
With decomposition comes character.