Imaging postdoc Oslo deadline Jan 5th

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Oddmund Bakke Oddmund Bakke
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Imaging postdoc Oslo deadline Jan 5th

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National Subcellular Imaging Platform, NorMIC-UIO, DEPARTMENT OF
MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
University of Oslo.

The position is available for a period of three years (possible prolongation)
Start date:  As soon as possible.

The national imaging platform has received a NOK 20 mill instrument grant
from the Research Council of Norway and will expand and get new instruments
for subcellular imaging. We are looking for a postdoc/researcher with a strong
background in cell biology and imaging. The position is financed by the Faculty
of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo for 3 years.

The aim of the national imaging service platform is to offer state-of-the-art
imaging techniques and expertise within subcellular imaging to local, national
and international research groups. The focus is on live cell confocal
microscopy, high throughput imaging and micromanipulation of cells. The
platform offers today live cell imaging techniques such as FRAP, FRET and
photoactivation. With the new equipment we will expand the techniques with
TIRF, FLIM, micromanipulation, microinjection and superresolution, We are
mainly working with tissue culture cell lines, primary cells, immune cells and
single cell organisms. The different techniques will vary depending on the
development of the various projects at the platform. The equipment also
allows working with cell types and single cell organism living at different
temperatures. The candidate is expected to participate in advanced imaging
projects that require independent scientific work and should run independent
projects. The position require that the candidate gives support to users and
teaches in user courses. The candidate should also be involved in developing
and establishing new imaging protocols depending on the project in question.

The platform at IMBV is part of the NorMIC national FUGE consortium and is
closely connected to its partner at the Radium Hospital (group of prof Harald
Stenmark). The imaging platform also offer electron microscopy techniques
(CLEM-correlative light and electron microscopy and immuno-EM. The platform
is furthermore a host for Eurobioimaging Proof of Concept studies 2012 (see
Platform page:

The head of the platform is Professor Oddmund Bakke. The imaging platform
has at present one temporary postdoc position and two permanent advanced
technical engineers. The expertise within imaging also depends on the imaging
project in the Bakke research group, which consist of 4 master students, 2
PhD students, and 4 postdocs. The Bakke group is a member of the CoE
(Centre of Excellence) “Centre for Immune Regulation” (CIR (
and the focus of the group is on membrane trafficking in immune cells.

We are looking for highly motivated and competent candidates with
experimental and theoretical background in cell biology, immunology,
biochemistry, bioinformatics and/or biophysics. Successful candidates should
have hands-on experience with technical instruments within
biology/biotechnology and be able to handle biological specimens such as cells
and tissue. Previous experience from imaging is absolutely an advantage but
not a prerequisite as he/she will be part of an active imaging environment
with courses/training program.

The position requires a PhD or equivalent within cell biology, biochemistry,
immunology, biophysics or bioinformatics with a strong element of
instrumental techniques. A second position at the platform will also be
announced and suitable candidates not hired will be asked if they will apply for
this position.

The letter of application should include curriculum vitae with a list of published
and unpublished works with a statement summarizing the applicant’s
scientific work and interests in addition to certified copies of certificates.

For further information please contact:
professor Oddmund Bakke, phone +47 95851479 or : + 47 22 855787
e-mail: [hidden email]
Deadline for application:  Jan 5th, 2012
For applying and further information