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It is our pleasure to invite you to the upcoming Imaris Asia Pacific User Group Meeting (UGM)<
http://bitplane.createsend1.com/t/r-l-urhiey-jrdddhjudr-j/> in Singapore. This non profit event is an excellent opportunity to meet with other Imaris users, share Imaris experiences, and get in-depth explanations on our software from the Bitplane experts. There will also be plenty of time for hands-on sessions and in depth discussions, as well as social time.
The event is hosted by the Centre for Bioimaging Sciences (
http://cbis.nus.edu.sg/) and MBI (
http://mbi.nus.edu.sg/) and will take place at the prestigious National University of Singapore, from Monday January 7th until Wednesday January 9th whilst the advanced course will run from 10th to 11th January. Places are limited and therefore early registration is strongly recommended.
To register for this event please click here<
http://www.bitplane.com/go/2012-asian-ugm-singapore/registrationTo find out more information about the UGM, please click here,
NUS Centre for BioImaging Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore