Info on CSU-W1 and fiber input

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Info on CSU-W1 and fiber input

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Hi Everyone,

We are working on modifying a portion of the illumination system for a
CSU-W1 spinning disk purchased from Andor.  I was wondering if anyone
has specific details on the illumination fiber going into the scanhead
(CSU-W1 unit).  I believe it is a 50 um fiber with an FC connection, but
wanted to see if anyone has specific experience or a spec sheet.  Also,
if anyone has information they would be willing to share on the Borealis
unit, that would be appreciated as well.  Thanks once again and I hope
everyone is well.

Best regards,



Silas J. Leavesley, Ph.D.

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Department of Pharmacology
Center for Lung Biology
University of South Alabama
150 Student Services Drive, SH4129
Mobile, AL 36688
ph: (251)-460-6160
fax: (251)-461-1485
google scholar:<>
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Re: Info on CSU-W1 and fiber input

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Hi Silas,

I've never messed with the fiber port on a W1 but realigning the port on an
X1 was a harrowing experience and not one I would want to repeat. If you
have the option to work with a vendor who has experience with these at all,
I'd strongly recommend going that route unless the W1 port is significantly
easier to work with than the X1's.


On Thu, Aug 27, 2020, 12:46 PM Silas Leavesley <[hidden email]>

> *****
> To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
> Post images on and include the link in your posting.
> *****
> Hi Everyone,
> We are working on modifying a portion of the illumination system for a
> CSU-W1 spinning disk purchased from Andor.  I was wondering if anyone
> has specific details on the illumination fiber going into the scanhead
> (CSU-W1 unit).  I believe it is a 50 um fiber with an FC connection, but
> wanted to see if anyone has specific experience or a spec sheet.  Also,
> if anyone has information they would be willing to share on the Borealis
> unit, that would be appreciated as well.  Thanks once again and I hope
> everyone is well.
> Best regards,
> Silas
> --
> Silas J. Leavesley, Ph.D.
> Professor
> Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
> Department of Pharmacology
> Center for Lung Biology
> University of South Alabama
> 150 Student Services Drive, SH4129
> Mobile, AL 36688
> ph: (251)-460-6160
> fax: (251)-461-1485
> web:
> google scholar: