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Dear Microscopy Community,
The International Bitplane Users Group Meeting is being held February
7^th - 9^th , 2011 on the University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras Campus
in San Juan, Puerto Rico, hosted by the Rosa-Molinar Laboratory and
Biological Imaging Group.
http://www.bitplane.com/go/ugm2011pr/There is still space available, but with only a month to go until the
event, be sure to make arrangements soon if you're interested. Whether
you've never used Imaris before, or you have years of experience, the
combination of an in-depth, hands-on approach and multiple "free"
sessions with expert guidance available make the event appropriate for
all levels.
> *Overview*
* The meeting will include three full days of presentations,
training, lively discussion - and fun!Attendees will have the
unique opportunity to meet the Bitplane employees who help to
shape Imaris and train with Bitplane's customer support team. To
foster community and collaboration among Imaris users, there will
be ample opportunity to share your work, optimize your analysis
techniques, and develop novel solutions to your research needs.
* Whether you wish to gain valuable introductory training, improve
upon a more advanced level of Imaris expertise, or just enjoy the
benefit of interaction with other members of our fast growing
Bitplane community, this meeting promises to be an event that you
will not want to miss.Each day, lectures will be followed by
training exercises and their solutions. There will be ample
opportunities to work on your own images and gain the assistance
of the Bitplane team. To see the exact schedule of events, refer
to the Agenda page.