Inventor of Epifluorescece

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S. Pagakis (IIBEAA) S. Pagakis (IIBEAA)
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Inventor of Epifluorescece

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the recent discussion made me dig more into the historical papers of autofluorescence.

Could someone clarify which is the basic difference between the Brumberg (late 40s and 50s) and Ellinger and Hirt (1929) designs?  Was the second lacking the dichroic mirror?

In Barry Masters chapter (The development of Fluorescence Microscopy JWiley 2010) the Ellinger and Hirt system is described as  "vertical illuminated" and in the accompanying figure it appears as the illumination is from above, which to me sounds like epifluorescence

Oddly enough, in the nature milestones page 
Brumberg is not even mentioned and from Ellinger and Hir (as inventors of epi-fluorescence) t, they go directly to Ploem.


Stamatis Pagakis Ph.D.
Head, Biological Imaging
Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens
Soranou Efessiou 4, Athens 115 27 - Greece
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