Invitation: Special issue of Cytometry A on Image-based Systems Biology

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Invitation: Special issue of Cytometry A on Image-based Systems Biology

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Dear List Members,

Please see below a message from Profs. Murphy and Figge regarding a special
issue of Cytometry A. The conference that preceded this call was a great
success (IbSB 2016, Jena, Germany) and the special issue will give a chance
to publish your research results on image-based systems biology (the
submission is open to anyone). Especially important is the fact that the
accepted papers will be published online immediately (even though the print
issue comes out only in early 2018), thus your work will be accessible as
soon as it is typeset. The access will also be open, as provided by
Cytometry A for this special issue.

With best wishes to all list members,

Zoltan Cseresnyes

Dear Colleagues,

this is a kind invitation from Robert Murphy (
and myself to submit a manuscript for publication in a special issue on
Image-based Systems Biology that will be published in Cytometry A. This
special issue will be the second of its kind after the first issue that
appeared in 2015:

Image-based Systems Biology seeks to take full advantage of the information
in images and establishes an essential connective link between experimental
and theoretical examination of biological processes at a quantitative
level. The call welcomes papers that are concerned with one or multiple of
the following topics:

(i) Acquisition and automated processing of image data for high-content and
high-throughput screening,
(ii) Quantitative description of biological processes by appropriate
characteristic measures,
(iii) Construction of image-derived spatiotemporal models and predictive
computer simulations.

The deadline of manuscript submission is March 1, 2017 and detailed
information on the current special issue can be found in the attachement or

All articles of this special issue will be published as soon as they are
accepted and typeset (including a DOI issued without delay)! Additionally,
they will be open access without additional charges. More information can
be found at the journal website:

If you are interested, we would be delighted to receive a tentative title
with a short abstract on the envisaged contents of the manuscript, the type
of manuscript (original research or review) and the names of involved
authors. To indicate your interest, please, send this information to me by
email as soon as possible. Thank you!

Looking forward to your response,
with kind regards,
Marc Thilo Figge


Marc Thilo Figge
Professor for Applied Systems Biology
Friedrich Schiller University Jena and HKI-Center for Systems Biology of
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology --
Hans-Knöll Institute
Beutenbergstrasse 11a
07745 Jena

phone: +49 (0)3641 532 14 16 <+49036415321416>
fax: +49 (0)3641 532 <+4903641532> 24 16
email: [hidden email]


Zoltan Cseresnyes