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The 8th Weber Symposium on Innovative Fluorescence Methodologies in
Biochemistry and Medicine and the 14th Zeiss Workshop on Fluorescence
Correlation Spectroscopy and Related Methods
June 12-17, 2011 --- Kauai, Hawaii
INVITED SPEAKERS: Luis Bagatolli; Francisco Barrantes; Francesco
Cardarelli; Anna Celli; Robert Clegg; Christian Combs; Maxime Dahan;
Michelle Digman; Elliot Elson; Yves Engelborghs; Laura C. Estrada; Paul
French; Enrico Gratton; Taekjip Ha; Klaus Hahn; Alejandro Heuck; Ken
Jacobson; Nicholas James; David Jameson; Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz;
Leslie Lowe; Satyajit Mayor; Pierre D.J. Moens; Joachim Mueller; Kazuhiro
Oiwa; Rajesh Ramachandran; Gregory Reinhart; Claus Siedel; Peter So;
Chiara Stringari
The symposium honors the fundamental and far-reaching contributions of
Professor Gregorio Weber. It provides an overview of modern fluorescence
methodologies and applications in the biological and medical sciences.
Previous Weber symposia were held in Italy in 1986 and 1991, and in Hawaii
in 1995, 1999, 2002, 2005, and 2008. Speakers will describe
state-of-the-art and emerging technologies used in their research
programs. Topics include multiphoton fluorescence microscopy, confocal
microscopy, time-resolved fluorescence instrumentation, single molecule
studies, fluctuation correlation spectroscopy, fluorescence imaging
spectroscopy, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, macromolecular
(nucleic acids and proteins) interactions, membrane dynamics, and
quantitative cellular dynamics.
The venue for the 2011 meeting is the Kauai Marriott Resort and Beach Club
Hotel, located on Kalapaki Beach, Lihue, Hawaii, on the Island of Kauai.
Symposium Website: