*JOB POSTING* - Europe Sales Manager - OKOLAB Srl - bring your cv at FOM

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*JOB POSTING* - Europe Sales Manager - OKOLAB Srl - bring your cv at FOM

To join, leave or search the confocal microscopy listserv, go to:
Post images on http://www.imgur.com and include the link in your posting.

*Bring your resume at the incoming Focus on Microscopy meeting - booth 81*


Okolab is looking for a scientific and business–minded teammate with strong
interpersonal skills and a can do attitude to cover the position of Europe
Sales Manager.

As Europe Sales Manager, you'll be maintaining existing and developing new
business relationships with our partners and distributors in Europe.

The Sales Manager plays a critical role in supporting Okolab customers -
end users and distributors - by:

1. Qualifying leads, quoting and lead managing

2. Promptly answering technical questions.

3. You will be the first line of technical support through remote session.
In some situations, you will provide hands-on assistance.

4. You will qualify equipment needed for demos, coordinating requests and
tracking demo equipment .

5. You will assist in coordinating equipment requests in support of
prominent imaging courses and conferences.

6. You will participate to Exhibitions and Conferences in Europe and, if
necessary in USA or in other Countries.

7. The Sales Manager is expected to proactively identify issues that could
impact sales.

In addition to the tasks above, as our eyes on the market, you are expected
to provide feedback to our product development team to improve existing
products and ideally develop new ones.

Required Skills:

• Background in biology and/or microscopy preferred

• Able to maintain a professional demeanor under stressful circumstances

• Clear communication, and attention to detail are a must

• Organized, resourceful with a can-do attitude

• Able to take initiative and operate under limited supervision

• Ability to travel

Work environment: home office.

Reports to managers located in Italy.

Send us your resume to [hidden email]
or bring it at our booth#81 @FOM2019



Luca Lanzaro


[hidden email]


<https://twitter.com/Okolabgroup> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/okolab>

Italy - Via A. Olivetti 1, Pozzuoli (NA), 80078

USA - 1001 Bayhill Drive, 2nd Floor, San Bruno, CA 94066

China - 2F N.388 Madang Rd. Premise Suite 15, Huangpu Dist., Shanghai 200020