Janelia Conference for Imaging Centers: year-end update

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Chew, Teng-Leong Chew, Teng-Leong
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Janelia Conference for Imaging Centers: year-end update

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Dear all,
We have received almost twice as many applications than there are open slots. A very big THANK YOU for your interest and enthusiasm.
In the evaluation process, we tried to cover as wide a range of topics as we could. So abstracts covering a common topic become automatically competitive within that category. We turned away commercial interests to keep this strictly for non-profit discussion. Likewise, we have excluded technically exciting abstracts from grad students and postdocs. I urge you to kindly consider the other biennial conference (Frontiers in Imaging Science) in 2019, which is a more suitable venue.
The conference will now be represented by 57 institutions and 15 countries. Some of the topics to be covered are:
1. International open-access imaging centers/consortia
2. Facilities with experience dealing with big data
3. Large national/international data centers for microscopy
4. Core with unique program to train undergraduates in small college setting
5. Facilities in remote/rural towns with compelling successes despite big challenges
6. Newly established cores trying to gain footing
7. Core facility managers with career track insights
8. Imaging centers with strong partnership with manufacturers
9 Imaging centers who partner with non-imaging cores to create seamless workflow
10. Image analysts network
11. Benchmarking microscope performance across cores
12. Data mining/sharing strategies and platforms
13. Open source image analysis software
14. Dealing with various super-resolution microscopy options for a core
15. Microscopy efforts in developing countries
16. Conventional core facilities with innovative ways to deal with daily challenges
17. Facilities with active programs of incorporating home-built instruments
18. Funding agencies: Moore Foundation, HHMI, NIH, CZI
19. Technology/Probe/Method development
20. Instrument grants strategy
Per the requests of many, we will compile the abstract book in PDF and will disseminate it prior to the conference. We are exploring ways to videotape the talks (only with consent from the individual speakers). Please stay tuned.

I wish everyone a lovely holiday season, and great success for 2018 and beyond!
